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Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email I am the [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Attorney for the [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent and my (state) Bar number is In the District Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff/Petitioner v. Defendant/Respondent Application for Subpoena under the Utah Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Case Number Judge Commissioner Instructions: You must attach the following records and forms if they are not already on file with the court. Proposed Utah Subpoena and all required supporting records and formsThe foreign SubpoenaThe names, addresses and telephone numbers of all attorneys of record and of any self-representedparty(1)[ ] I request that the court issue a Subpoena incorporating the terms of theforeign Subpoena issued by or on behalf of the court in which the action is pending. Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Application for Subpoena under the Utah Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Approved Board of District Court Judges August 22, 2008 Revised May 1, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Check your email. You will receive information and documents at this email address. (2)[ ] The district court of this judicial district is permitted to issue a UtahSubpoena because this is the district in which discovery is sought to be conducted. (3)[ ] The court in which this action is pending is a court of record in, a state that has enacted the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act or provisions substantially similar to the uniform act. (4)The foreign Subpoena requires the person named to: (check at least one)[ ] Attend and give testimony at a deposition [ ] Produce and permit inspection and copying of designated books, documents, records, electronically stored information, or tangible things in the possession, custody, or control of the person [ ] Permit inspection of premises under the control of the person. (5)[ ] The foreign Subpoena is attached to this Application.(6)[ ] The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all attorneys of recordand of any self-represented party are attached to this Application. I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that everything stated in this document is true . Signed at (city, and state or country). Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc. Application for Subpoena under the Utah Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Approved Board of District Court Judges August 22, 2008 Revised May 1, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Certificate of Service I certify that I filed with the court and served a copy of this Application for Subpoena under the Utah Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act on the following people. or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With pe rson of suitable age and discretion residing there.) or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (Wit h person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc. Application for Subpoena under the Utah Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Approved Board of District Court Judges August 22, 2008 Revised May 1, 2019 Page 3 of 3 [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E-filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E-filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E-filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge Service Method Service Address Service Date