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____________ DISTRICT COURT, ______________________ COUNTY, UTAH COURT'S ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: _______________________ (petitioner's name) ORDER CHANGING NAME _______________________ Case Number _______________________ Judge _______________________ Commissioner Petitioner. (1) Petitioner appeared in Court on: _______________________ (date). (2) Petitioner was born on: _______________________ (date). (3) The Petitioner's birth name was ______________________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Middle Name (if any) ______________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________ Maiden Name (if any) THE COURT FINDS: (4) (a) (b) (c) All notices required by law have been given. [___] No objections to the proposed name change were made. to the proposed name change were made by: [___] Objections ___________________________________________________________________________ (d) [___] Other findings (if any): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Order Changing Name Approved Board of District Court Judges August 13, 2008 Revised September 16, 2013 Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ THE COURT CONCLUDES: (5) (a) The requirements of Utah Code Section 42-1-1 through 42-1-3 have been met and Utah Code Section 77-41-105(9) does not prohibit this order. (b) It appears to the satisfaction of the court that the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and that the petition should be granted. THE COURT ORDERS: The Petitioner's current legal name of ______________________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Middle Name (if any) ______________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________ Maiden Name (if any) Is changed to ______________________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Middle Name (if any) ______________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________ Maiden Name (if any) The Petitioner may use this new legal name from this date forward. Date_________________________ Sign here ____________________________________________ Judge ____________________________________________ Order Changing Name Approved Board of District Court Judges August 13, 2008 Revised September 16, 2013 Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Certificate of Service I certify that I served a copy of this Order Changing Name on the following people. Person's Name Method of Service [___] Mail [___] Hand Delivery [___] Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) [___] Email (Person agreed to service Served at this Address Served on this Date by email.) [___] Left (Other Party or Attorney) at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [___] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [___] Mail [___] Hand Delivery [___] Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) [___] Email (Person agreed to service by email.) at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [___] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [___] Mail [___] Hand [___] Left Delivery [___] Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) [___] Email (Person agreed to service by email.) [___] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [___] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) Date_________________________ Sign here ______________________________________________________ Typed or Printed Name ___________________________________________ Order Changing Name Approved Board of District Court Judges August 13, 2008 Revised September 16, 2013 Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.