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1306DC J Approved April 16, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Bench Warrant Page 1 of 2 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Check your email. You will receive information and documents at this email address. Email I am [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defenda nt/Respondent Attorney (Utah Bar #: ) In the [ ] District [ ] Justice Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff /Petitioner v. Defendant /Respondent Bench Warrant (Utah Code 78B - 6 - 303) Case Number Judge Commissioner (do mestic cases) The State of Utah to any peace officer in the State of Utah: 1. On (date), (name) failed to attend a hearing in violation of a court order. 2. You are commanded to arrest the above-named person and bring them before this court, or, if court has adjourned, to deliver them to the sheriff of this county until the court is next in session. 3. Bail is set at $ cash. American LegalNet, Inc. 1306DC J Approved April 16, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Bench Warrant Page 2 of 2 4. This warrant is returnable and the above-named person is ordered to attend a hearing at this courthouse: (court address) on the following date and time: Date: Time: [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m. Room: Judge: 5. The above-named person is ordered to attend the hearing and to answer under oath questions about their property. 6. The above-named person is ordered to bring all records concerning employment, bank accounts, vehicles, real property, business entities and any other property in which they have an interest. 7. Bail will be held in trust to secure the . Upon the approval of the person or order of this court, bail may be forfeited to the judgment creditor in full or partial satisfaction of the judgment. Sign atu Date Judge I promise to attend the hearing . Sign atu Date American LegalNet, Inc.