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1 202DC J Approved M ay 21, 2018 Page 1 of 4 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email I am [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent Attorney (Utah Bar #: ) In the [ ] District [ ] Justice Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff/Petitioner v. Defendant/Respondent Motion to Declare the Judgment Satisfied [ ] Hearing Requested Case Number Judge 1. A judge of this court signed the judgment in this case on (date). 2. I am the judgment debtor, and I have paid the judgment in full, but the owner/creditor has not filed an Acknowledgement of Satisfaction. 3. The judgment is currently owned by (name of creditor/owner/purchaser/assignee). 4. I have attached the following documents showing that I have fully paid the judgment (Choose all that apply.): [ ] supporting statement by (name) American LegalNet, Inc. 1 202DC J Approved M ay 21, 2018 Page 2 of 4 [ ] receipts [ ] canceled checks (Mark out account number and routing number.) [ ] other 5. [ ] I request a hearing. [ ] I do not request a hearing. 6. The judgment has been fully satisfied, and I request the court enter an order declaring the judgment in this case is satisfied. I declare under criminal penalty of the State of Utah that everything stated in this do cument is true . Sign atu Date Printed Name Notice to responding party You have a limited amount of time to respond to this motion. In most cases, y ou must file a written response with the court and provide a copy to the other party: within 14 days of this motion being filed, if the motion is considered by a judge, or at least 14 days before the hearing, if the motion is considered by a commissioner. In some situations a statute or court order may specify a different deadline. If you do not respond to this motion or a ttend the hearing, the person who filed the motion may get what they requested. Avis o para el demandado (o acusado) Su tiempo para responder a esta moci363n es limitado . En la mayor355a de casos deber341 presentar una respuesta escrita con el tribunal y darle una copia de la misma a la otra parte: dentro de 14 d355as del d355a que se presenta la mo ci363n, si la misma ser341 resuelta por un juez, o por lo menos 14 d355as antes de la audiencia, si la misma ser341 resuelta por un comisionado. En algunos casos debido a un estatuto o a una orden de un juez la fecha l355mite podr341 ser distinta. Si usted no res ponde a esta moci363n ni se presenta a la audiencia, la persona que American LegalNet, Inc. 1 202DC J Approved M ay 21, 2018 Page 3 of 4 information about the motions process, deadlines and forms: present363 la moci363n p odr355a recibir lo que pidi363 . Vea la p341gina del tribunal sobre Mociones para encontrar m341s informaci363n sobre el proceso de las mociones, las fechas l355mites y los formula rios: Finding help ( www.utcourt ) provides information about the ways you can get legal help, including the Self - Help Center, reduced - fee attorneys, limited legal help and free legal clinics. C363mo encontrar ayuda legal La p341gina de la internet del tribunal C363mo encontrar ayuda legal ( ) tiene informaci363n sobre algunas maneras de encontrar ayuda legal, incluyendo el Centro de Ayuda de los Tribunales de Utah, abogados que ofrecen descuento s u ofrecen ayuda legal limitada , y talleres legales gratuitos . American LegalNet, Inc. 1 202DC J Approved M ay 21, 2018 Page 4 of 4 Certificate of Service I certify that I filed with the court and served a copy of this Satisfied on the following people. Method of Service Serv ed at this Address Served on this Date [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.) [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitab le age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.) [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.) [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at hom e (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc.