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1101DC J Approved May 21, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit Page 1 of 4 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Check your email. You will receive information and documents at this email address. Email I am [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Purchaser/Assignee of the Judgment [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent Attorney (Utah Bar #:) In the District Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff/Petitioner v. Defendant/Respondent Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit (Utah Code 78B - 6 - 1801 et seq.) [ ] Hearing Reque sted Case Number Judge 1. I request the court renew the judgment in this case for the amount due. I ask the renewal be effective on the date the new judgment is signed or the date the original judgment expires, whichever is earlier. 2. On (date) this court entered judgment against [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent in this case. The judgment expires on (date). American LegalNet, Inc. 1101DC J Approved May 21, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit Page 2 of 4 3. (Choose one.) [ ] I am the original judgment creditor. [ ] I currently own the judgment, but I am not the original judgment creditor. I have attached proof that I own the judgment. (Attach proof of ownership, such as an assignment or proof of purchase or affidavit of the original judgment creditor.) 4. The judgment debtor owes: Amount of j udgment ( O riginal or as last renewed by motion, whichever is later . ) $ Post - judgment interest to the date of this affidavit at % per year $ Fee to file appli cations for writs of garnishment or writs of execution (Attach receipts.) $ $ Cost to serve writs (Attach receipts.) $ Attorney fees (Attach statute or contract showing right to claim attorney fees.) $ Fee to file Motion to Renew Judgment ( O ne - half the fee for a civil claim of the same amount . ) $ Subtotal $ Less payments m ade $ Total a mount d ue $ 5. The statute of limitations on the judgment has not expired. 6. [ ] The judgment debtor has stipulated to this motion. (Attach stipulation.) 7. The address provided in the certificate of service below is the most current known address of the judgment debtor. 8. [ ] I request a hearing. [ ] I do not request a hearing. I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that everything stated in this document is true. Signed at (city, and state or country). Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc. 1101DC J Approved May 21, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit Page 3 of 4 Notice to responding party You have a limited amount of time to res pond to this motion. In most cases, y ou must file a written response with the court and provide a copy to the other party: within 14 days of this motion being filed, if the motion will be decided by a judge, or at least 14 days before the hearing, if the m otion will be decided by a commissioner. In some situations a statute or court order may specify a different deadline. If you do not respond to this motion or attend the hearing, the person who filed the motion may get what they requested. See the cou information about the motions process, deadlines and forms: Aviso para el demandado (o acusado) Su tiempo para responder a esta moci363n es limitado . En la mayor355a de casos deber341 presentar una respuesta escrita con el tribunal y darle una copia de la misma a la otra parte: dentro de 14 d355as del d355a que se presenta la moci363n, si la misma ser341 resuelta por un juez, o por lo menos 14 d355as antes de la audiencia, si la misma ser341 resuelta por un com isionado. En algunos casos debido a un estatuto o a una orden de un juez la fecha l355mite podr341 ser distinta. Si usted no responde a esta moci363n ni se presenta a la audiencia, la persona que present363 la moci363n p odr355a recibir lo que pidi363 . Vea la p341g ina del tribunal sobre Mociones para encontrar m341s informaci363n sobre el proceso de las mociones, las fechas l355mites y los formularios: Finding help ( alassist/ ) provides information about the ways you can get legal help, including the Self - Help Center, reduced - fee attorneys, limited legal help and free legal clinics. C363mo encontrar ayuda legal La p341gina de la internet del tribunal C363mo encontrar ayuda l egal ( ) tiene informaci363n sobre algunas maneras de encontrar ayuda legal, incluyendo el Centro de Ayuda de los Tribunales de Utah, abogados que ofrecen descuento s u ofrecen ayuda legal limitada , y talleres legales gratuit os . American LegalNet, Inc. 1101DC J Approved May 21, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit Page 4 of 4 es-US Certificate of Service I certify that I filed with the court and am serving a copy of this Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit on the following people. Service Method Service Address Service Date [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With perso n in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc.