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Judgment Form. This is a Utah form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
Tags: Judgment, Utah Statewide, Small Claims
In the [ ] District [ ] Justice Court of Utah __________ Judicial District ________________ County Court Address ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Judgment Plaintiff v. _____________________________________ Defendant Case Number ___________________ Judge _________________________ And _____________________________________ Defendant (1) Hearing: [ ] There was no hearing on this matter. [ ] A hearing on this matter was held on _______________________ (date). Plaintiff [ ] was [ ] was not present [ ] was represented by _______________________ [ ] was not represented. Defendant __________________________ (name) [ ] was [ ] was not present [ ] was represented by _______________________ [ ] was not represented. Defendant __________________________ (name) [ ] was [ ] was not present [ ] was represented by _______________________ [ ] was not represented. (2) Having considered the documents filed with the court, the evidence and the arguments, and now being fully informed, the court orders judgment as follows. Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised April 1, 2015 Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Judgment (A) On Plaintiff's Claim, the court enters judgment for: (i) [ ] Plaintiff Principal (including prejudgment interest if qualified) Court costs Total judgment $ $ $ [ ] at _____ % interest per year (the current state post-judgment rate) OR [ ] at _____ % interest per year (pursuant to the contract between the parties) (ii) [ ] Defendant [ ] (B) On Defendant's Counter Claim, the court enters judgment for (i) [ ] Defendant Principal (including prejudgment interest if qualified) $ Court costs Total judgment $ $ [ ] at _____ % interest per year (the current state post-judgment rate) OR [ ] at _____ % interest per year (pursuant to the contract between the parties) (ii) [ ] Plaintiff (3) The court further orders: Date Sign here Judge Judgment Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised April 1, 2015 Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Certificate of Service [ ] I certify that I delivered a copy of this Judgment to [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant. [ ] I certify that I mailed a copy of this Judgment to the following people. Person's Name Address Date Sent Date Sign here Court Clerk Judgment Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised April 1, 2015 Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.