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Order On Motion To Set Aside Form. This is a Utah form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
Tags: Order On Motion To Set Aside, Utah Statewide, Small Claims
Order on Motion to Set Aside D ismissal or Default Judgment Small Claims Case Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised M ay 1, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email In the [ ] District [ ] Justice Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff v. Defendant a nd Defendant Order on Motion to S et Aside Dismissal or Default Ju dgment Small Claims Case Case Number Judge 1. This matter comes before the court on a motion by [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant to set aside the: [ ] Default Judgment [ ] Order of Dismissal 2. The court being fully informed, the Motion is: [ ] Denied [ ] Granted 3. [ ] A trial is scheduled for: Courthouse Address ( Direcci363n del tribunal ) : American LegalNet, Inc. Order on Motion to Set Aside D ismissal or Default Judgment Small Claims Case Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised M ay 1, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Date (F echa ) Time ( Hora ) : [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m. [ ] p.m. Room ( Sala ) Judge ( Juez ) Attendance. You must attend. If you do not attend, you might be held in contempt of court and the relief requested might be granted. You have the right to be represented by a lawyer. Asistencia. Presentarse es obligatorio. Si usted no llegara a presentarse, se lo podr355a encontrar en desacato de las 363rdenes del juez y la reparaci363n solicitada podr355a ser otorgada. Usted tiene el derecho de que lo represente un abogado. Evidence. Bring with you any evidence that you want the court to consider. Pruebas. Traiga con usted cualquier prueba que quiera que el tribunal tome en cuenta Interpretation. If you do not speak or understand English, the court will provide an interpreter. Contact court staff immediately to ask for an interpreter. Interpretaci363n. Si usted no habla ni entiende el Ingl351s el tribunal le proveer351 un int351rprete. Contacte a un empleado del tribunal inmediatamente para pedir un int351rprete. ADA Accommodation. If you need an accommodation, including an ASL interpreter, contact court staff immediately to ask for an accommodation.. Adaptaci363n o Arreglo en Caso de Discapacidad. Si usted requiere una adaptaci363n o arreglo, que incluye un int351rprete de la lengua de signos americana, contacte a un empleado del tribunal inmediatamente para pedir una adaptaci363n. [ ] The moving party shall pay the other party $ costs associated with this matter. Sign atu Date Judge American LegalNet, Inc. Order on Motion to Set Aside D ismissal or Default Judgment Small Claims Case Approved Board of District Court Judges September 10, 2008 Revised M ay 1, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Certificate of Service I certify that I filed with the court and am serving a copy of this Order on Motion to S et Aside Dismissal or Default Judgment Small Claims Case on the following people. Service Method Service Address Service Date [ ] Mai l [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) [ ] Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [ ] E - filed [ ] Email [ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.) [ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.) Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc.