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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT O F VERM O NT ELECTRONIC CASE FILES (ECF) REGISTRATION FORM This form is used to register for an account on the Electronic Case Files (ECF) system and also to receive Notification of Electronic Filings (NEFs). Registered users will have privileges to electronically submit documents and to receive electronic service. A PACER account is necessary for viewing documents. Instructions: This form cannot be submitted electronically. Complete the form, sign and return to the Clerk's Office at the address below. A user log-in ID and password will be issued to you upon receipt of the completed form. All information is required, including your original signature. The place of birth is necessary for security verification purposes. Firm / Organization Name: Name: (Last, First, Middle) Telephone: Primary E-mail Address: Address: Secondary E-mail Address(es), if any (assistant, paralegal, etc.): Place of birth: Do you have an existing ECF log-in ID from another court you would like to use? If so, enter it here: By submitting this account registration form, the undersigned agrees to the following: 1. I agree that the combination of the user log-in name and the password will serve as my signature for purposes of the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure. I further agree to protect the security of my password and to immediately notify the Clerk's Office as soon as I learn that my password may have been compromised. In accordance with the provisions of F.R. Civ.P.5(b)(2)(E), I agree service may be given to me by electronic means. I agree to maintain a functional electronic mail (e-mail) address in the ECF system. I agree to waive the provisions of F.R.Civ.P.77(d) and F.R.Crim.P.49(c) providing for service of notice of the entry of an order or judgment by mail and I consent that such notice may be served by electronic means. I agree that all transmissions for electronic case filings of pleadings and documents to the ECF system shall be titled in accordance with the approved civil and criminal event menus of the ECF system. I certify I am admitted to practice in this district pursuant to L.R. 83.1 or am a pro-se party. Date: 2. 3. 4. 5. Signature: Return this form to: Login: Password: Issued by: Date issued: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Court Use Only Clerk, U.S. District Court Attn: ECF Registration P.O. Box 945 Burlington, VT 05402-0945 You will be notified of your user log-in and password by electronic mail (to primary e-mail address listed above). Questions? Visit our website at Rev. 6/13 American LegalNet, Inc.