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Business ID: Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Cooperative Housing Corporation PLEASE RETURN EVIDENCE OF FILING TO: (Name and Address) Processed by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLEASE REVIEW SUBMISSION AND FORM INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING. ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 2. BUSINESS NAME REQUIRED MUST INCLUDE A CORPORATE IDENTIFIER SUCH AS "CORP," "INC," "CO," OR "LTD." SEE INSTRUCTION PAGE FOR COMPLETE LIST OF OPTIONS INITIAL PRINCIPAL OFFICE: REQUIRED. State: ZIP: a. Street Address: NO PO BOX City/Town: b. Mailing Address: State: ZIP: City/Town: ARTICLE 3. INITIAL REGISTERED AGENT and OFFICE: REQUIRED a. Registered Agent: PERSON OR CORPORATION TO WHOM SERVICE OF PROCESS IS TO BE SERVED AT THE DESIGNATED OFFICE (LISTED BELOW) AND THE MAILING POINT OF CONTACT FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THIS ENTITY. Name: Mailing Address: City/Town: State: VT ZIP: EMail Address: b. Registered Office: PHYSICAL LOCATION AT WHICH ANY SERVICE OF PROCESS IS TO BE SERVED TO REGISTERED AGENT LISTED ABOVE. Street Address: NO PO BOX State: VT ZIP: State: State: State: ZIP: ZIP: ZIP: City/Town: ARTICLE 4. INITIAL DIRECTORS: REQUIRED MINIMUM OF THREE (3) DIRECTORS. a. Name: Address: City/Town: EMail Address: b. Name: Address: City/Town: EMail Address: c. Name: Address: City/Town: EMail Address: Check if applicable: This corporation will have more than three (3) initial directors; PLEASE ATTACH A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL ADDITIONAL INITIAL DIRECTORS. 11 V.S.A. § 1588 (REV. 08/01/14) DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. FORM CORP1(H) HOUSING COOP Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Cooperative Housing Corporation ARTICLE 5. CAPITOL STOCK: REQUIRED. a. There will be total shares of Capitol Stock authorized to be issued. b. There will be only one class of shares issued; this class will have unlimited voting rights and is entitled to receive the net assets of the corporation upon dissolution. c. The rate of dividend, if any, allocable to membership shares which shall not exceed six percent per annum on invested capital. d. This cooperative housing corporation reserves the right to acquire membership shares. e. The method of allocation of ownership and voting interests in the cooperative housing corporation: REQUIRED ARTICLE 6. EFFECTIVE DATE OPTIONAL INCORPORATOR: REQUIRED. State: ZIP: MAY BE POSTDATED UP TO 90 DAYS FROM DATE OF RECIEPT ARTICLE 7. a. Name: b. Address: City/Town: c. EMail Address: ARTICLE 8. CERTIFICATION OF DOCUMENT: REQUIRED I hereby certify, under penalty of law, (11A V.S.A. §1.29), as an officer or board chair of this Corporation, that the above information is accurate; and that the document is provided in duplicate with a Check or Money Order made payable to "VT SOS" in the amount of $125.00. Signature of Incorporator Date PLEASE REVIEW SUBMISSION AND FORM INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE FILING. 11 V.S.A. § 1588 (REV. 08/01/14) DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. FORM CORP1(H) HOUSING COOP Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Cooperative Housing Corporation SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS a. This form must be filed in duplicate (1 original + 1 copy or 2 originals) with a check or money order, payable to "VT SOS," in the amount of $125.00, and a selfaddressed stamped envelope. b. This form can ONLY be accepted by Mail or Inperson at: Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 128 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-1104 c. Please allow 710 business days, or more, from the day that this form received in our office, for processing and (if approved) for this business appear on the website at, and for evidence of filing to be returned. ***THIS FILING IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE*** This form CANNOT be accepted by Phone, Fax, or Email; however, this filing is now available online: o If you wish to submit this filing electronically, DO NOT fill out this form, please file online at o Payment for this form also CANNOT be accepted by credit card or echeck (ACH); however, payment by credit card or echeck (ACH) is available by filing online: o If you wish to submit payment by credit card or echeck (ACH), DO NOT fill out this form, please file online at Online filing normally takes 35 business days or less. FORM INSTRUCTIONS Article 1. a. A Cooperative Housing Corporation name: (1) Must contain the word "corporation," "incorporated," "company," or "limited," or the abbreviation "corp.," "inc.," "co.," or "ltd.," or words or abbreviations of like import in another language; 11A V.S.A. § 2.02 (2) Must have the word "cooperative" or any abbreviation thereof as part of its name; (3) And shall not include any word not otherwise authorized by law. 11A V.S.A. § 2.02 b. A Cooperative Housing Corporation name, based upon the records of the secretary of state, shall be distinguishable from, and not the same as, deceptively similar to, or likely to be confused with or mistaken for any name granted, registered, or reserved under this chapter, or the name of any other entity, whether domestic or foreign, that is reserved, registered, or granted by or with the secretary of state. Article 2. The street address of the corporation's initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office (11A V.S.A. § 2.02); The registered agent, may be: (11A V.S.A. § 5.01) a. an individual who resides in this state. b. a domestic corporation (profit, nonprofit); or c. a foreign corporation (profit or nonprofit) authorized to transact business in this. Article 3. The street address, and if different the mailing address, of its principal office; Article 4. The business of the cooperative housing corporation shall be managed by a board of directors of not less than three individuals. (11 V.S.A. § 1596) Article 5. a. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue 11A V.S.A. § 2.02. b. Required Provision. c. Required Provision. d. Required Provision. e. Must contain the method of allocation of ownership and voting interests in the cooperative housing corporation Please attach continuation sheet as needed. Article 7. One or more natural persons of majority age may act as the incorporator or incorporators of a corporation by delivering articles of incorporation to the secretary of state for filing. (11A V.S.A. § 2.01) Arti