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Business ID: Expiration: Processed by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Domestic General Corporation a.Please Return Acknowledgement to: Required - Name and Address Name Address Address Address Please review instructions page before beginning. This document must be typewritten or printed (11A V.S.A. 247 1.20). 11A V.S.A. 247 2.02 CORPORATIONS & BUSINESS SERVICES FORM CORP-1(G) (REV. 07/01/17) Page 1 of 2 CORPORATION REGISTRATION (GENERAL) ARTICLE 1. CORPORATE NAME BUSINESS NAME: REQUIRED Professional corporation 226 name must include a corporate identifier such as 223PC, 223PA,224 LTD,224 or 223SC224 226 see instructions page for complete list of options. All others - name must include identifier such as 223CORP,224 223INC,224 223CO,224 or 223LTD.224 - see instructions page for complete list of options. ARTICLE 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION a. This corporation is a General Corporation in accordance with title 11A of the Vermont statutes. Select any additional subtype(s) that apply: This corporation is also a Professional Corporation in accordance with 11 V.S.A. Chapter 4 . If selected: Must enclose professional license(s) with this document This corporation is also a Cooperative Corporation (General, Workers222 or Housing) in accordance with 11 V.S.A. Ch. 7, Subch. 1 . If selected: Must enclose Form CORP 1ad, Articles Of Incorporation 226 Addendumwith this document. This corporation is also a Benefit Corporation in accordance with 11A V.S.A. Chapter 21 . Initial Benefit Director If a Benefit Corp oration b. FISCAL YEAR END MONTH Optional. December is default fiscal year end if no entry made. Annual reports are due each year within the first 2.5 months following the fiscal year end on record with secretary of state. c. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION - NAICS Code (preferred) or brief description of business to be conducted by this corporation. Professional Corporations: Required 226 must include professional service provided. Benefit Corporations: Required 226 must include one or more specific public benefits in accordance with 11A V.S.A. 247 21.08 . A RTICLE 3. I NITIAL P RINCIPAL O FFICE a. Principle Office (Physical) Address Required - No PO Box City/Town State Zip Code b. Same as Principle Office (Physical) Address. Business Mailing Address Required City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 c. Business Email Address A RTICLE 4. I NITIAL R EGISTERED A GENT a. Agent Name Required - M ay be any person having a physical address in Vermont. b. Agent Office (Physical) Address Required - No PO Box City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Domestic General Corporation 11A V.S.A. 247 2.02 CORPORATIONS & BUSINESS SERVICES FORM CORP-1(G) (REV. 07/01/17) Page 2 of 2 CORPORATION REGISTRATION (GENERAL) c. Same as Agent Office (Physical) Address. Agent Mailing Address Required City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 d. Agent Email Address A RTICLE 5. C APITAL S TOCK P ROVISIONS Required. a. The capital stock of this corporation shall be divided into total shares. b. The total par value of the capital stock of this corporation is $ . Select one of the following: c. The capital stock will not be divided into more than one class; all shares will have unlimited voting rights, and equal receipt of net assets upon dissolution. The capital stock will be divided as follows into the following classes: (1) Preferred: Shares; (2) Common: Shares; (3) Other : Shares (4) The following class(es) of shares will (together) have unlimited voting rights: (5) The following class(es) of shares together is/are entitled to receive the net assets of the corporation upon dissolution: A RTICLE 6. I NCORPORATOR Name Required. Address St reet Address OR PO Box City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 A RTICLE 7. I NITIAL D IRECTOR ( S ) OPTIONAL 226 A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF THE FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. a. Name Address St reet Address OR PO Box City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 b. Name Address St reet Address OR PO Box City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 c. Name Address St reet Address OR PO Box City/Town State Zip Code Zip + 4 Check If Applicable: This corporation will have more than three (3) initial directors or officers If Selected 226 must attached list of all additional Initial Directors to this form. ARTICLE 8. Delayed Effective Date: Optional - The effective date of this registration may only be post - dated up to 90 days following date of receipt. ARTICLE 9. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify, under penalty of law, (11A V.S.A. 247 1.29 and 13 V.S.A. Ch. 65 ), as the incorporator listed above, that the above information is accurate; and that this document is submitted with a check or money order made payable to "VT SOS" in the amount of $125.00. Signature of Incorporator Date Please review instructions page before submitting. American LegalNet, Inc. Vermont Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of a Vermont Domestic General Corporation 11A V.S.A. 247 2.02 CORPORATIONS & BUSINESS SERVICES FORM CORP-1(G) (REV. 07/01/17) Instruction Page CORPORATION REGISTRATION (GENERAL) Submission Instructions a. This form must be submitted with a check or money order, payable to 223VT SOS,224 in the amount of $125.00, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. b. This form can ONLY be accepted by Mail or In-person at: Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 128 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-1104 c.Please allow 7-10 business days, or more, from the day that this form is received in our office, for processing and (if approved)for this business to appear on the website at , and for evidence of filing to be returned. *** This Filing Is Now Available Online *** This form CANNOT be accepted by Phone, Fax, or E-mail; however, this filing is now available online: oIf you wish to submit this filing electronically, DO NOT fill out this form, please file online at: . Payment for this form also CANNOT be accepted by credit card or e-check (ACH); however, payment by credit card or e- check (ACH) is available by filing online: oIf you wish to submit payment by credit card or e-check (ACH), DO NOT fill out this form, please file online at: . Online filing normally takes 1 business days or less. Form Instructions Article 1a. Required The Business Name must be distinguishable in the records of the Secretary of State (as of 7/1/2015). For more information, please see: (including Benefit and Workers222 Cooperative) in accordance with 11A V.S.A. 247 4.01 : 1. must contain the word "CORPORATION," "INCORPORATED," "COMPANY," or "LIMITED;" or the abbreviation "CORP," "INC," "CO," OR "LTD;" or words or abbreviations of like meaning in another language; 2. may not contain language stating or implying that the corporation is organized for a purpose other than thatpermitted by section 3.01 of this title and its articles of incorporation; 3. may not have the word "COOPERATIVE" or any abbreviation thereof as part of its name unless the corporationis a worker cooperative corporation organized under 11 V.S.A. Chapter 8 ; 4. may not include any word not otherwise authorized by law. A professional corporation name in accordance with 11 V.S.A. 247 825 : 1. must contain the words "PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION," "PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION," "LIMITED,"or "SERVICE CORPORATION;" or the abbreviation "P.C.", "P.A.", "LTD.", or "S.C." 2. may not contain language stating or implying that it is incorporated for a purpose other than that authorized by 11 V.S.A. 247 821 and its articles of incorporation; and 3. must conform to any rule promulgated by the licensing authority having jurisdiction over a professional servicedescribed in the corporation's articles of incorporation. Article 2b. Optional If not provided, December will be fiscal year end 226 Annual Report will be due each year within the first 2.5 months following the FISCAL YEAR END. Article 2c.