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Form 878NR Final Stipulation Non Resident Civil Union (12/2014) Page 1 of 5 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION Unit Docket No. Plaintiff Name DOB V. Defendant Name DOB FINAL STIPULATION Property, Debts and Spousal Support (for use in nonresident divorce/dissolution cases only) We, the parties in this action, agree to the following provisions and we agree that the court may include these provisions in its final decree and order: 1. Separation We have lived separate and apart in excess of six consecutive months of and the resumption of our marital or civil union relationship is not reasonably probable. We began living separately on 2. Waiting Period (Nisi Period) In Vermont, a divorce/civil union is not absolute until three months after the date of the final decree unless the parties agree to waive all or part of that period known as the ''nisi period.'' A waiver of all or part of the period can have an impact on one parties' eligibility to be covered by the other party's health insurance and can impact income tax filing status. We wish to waive the waiting period. We understand that the divorce/civil union dissolution will become final on the date the divorce decree is signed by the judge. We do not wish to waive any portion of the waiting period. We understand that our divorce/civil union will not become final until three months after the date the divorce decree is signed by the judge. We wish to waive a portion of the waiting period so that the final decree will become final days after it is signed. 3. Vehicles We do not own any motor vehicles. Each party is awarded the vehicle(s) in his/her name or possession free of any right, title or interest of the other party. The party to whom the vehicle is awarded shall be solely responsible for any loans/liens on the vehicle and shall hold the other party harmless from any liability for that debt. Title and ownership for the following vehicle(s) will be transferred to Plaintiff Defendant by . Describe vehicle(s): Refinancing of any loans related to this vehicle will be completed by Title and ownership for the following vehicle(s) will be transferred to Plaintiff Defendant by . Describe vehicle(s): Refinancing of any loans related to this vehicle will be completed by American LegalNet, Inc. Form 878NR Final Stipulation Non Resident Civil Union (12/2014) Page 2 of 5 4. Furniture and Other Personal Property We have divided all of our furniture and other personal property to our satisfaction unless otherwise noted below and we agree that the court should award each of us the personal property in our possession free of any interest of the other party. Plaintiff is awarded the following items of personal property: Defendant is awarded the following items of personal property: The items listed above shall be transferred to the party to whom they are awarded as follows (please specify date and means of transfer): 5. Pensions, Retirement Plans and Other Tax Deferred Assets Neither party has a pension, retirement plan or a tax deferred assets. Each party is awarded sole ownership and possession of any pension, retirement 401 (k), IRA, or other retirement plan currently in his/her name, free and clear of any interest of the other party. The following retirement asset shall be divided between the parties: Name of Asset/Plan: Agreed upon division: A Qualified Domestic Relations Order shall be prepared by Plaintiff Defendant within a reasonable period of time not to exceed months. The-following retirement asset shall be divided between the parties: Name of Asset/Plan: Agreed upon division: A Qualified Domestic Relations Order shall be prepared by Plaintiff Defendant within a reasonable period of time not to exceed months. 6. Other Financial Assets Each party is awarded his/her respective bank accounts (checking and/or savings), credit union accounts, certificates of deposit and all similar accounts unless otherwise provided below. Each party is awarded stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other intangible personal property in her/her name unless otherwise provided below. Plaintiff is awarded the following bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other intangible personal property currently in joint names or the name of the other party (if using numbers to identify accounts, use only the last four digits): Defendant is awarded the following bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other intangible personal property currently in joint names or the name of the other party (if using numbers to identify accounts, use only the last four digits): Other: American LegalNet, Inc. Form 878NR Final Stipulation Non Resident Civil Union (12/2014) Page 3 of 5 7. Real Estate We do not own any real estate. List of properties: We own the following real property in either separate names or together (list the location of each parcel of real property): We do not own any property in joint names. Each party if awarded the property in his or her own name free and clear of any interest of the other party. Sale of property: The following property/properties shall be listed for sale by The net proceeds from such sale shall be divided as follows: Plaintiff: % Defendant: % Other conditions related to the sale of the property/properties: Pending the sale of the property, responsibility for payment of mortgage, taxes and other expenses related to the property shall be paid as follows: Property Awarded to Plaintiff: Plaintiff is awarded the following parcel(s) of real property, free and clear of any interest of Defendant: Plaintiff shall be solely responsible for mortgage, property taxes and all expenses related to the property By , Plaintiff shall pay Defendant $ as compensation for his/her interest in the property. By , the Defendant shall sign a quit claim deed transferring his/her interest in the property to Plaintiff. By , Plaintiff shall refinance the mortgage on the property releasing Defendant from all liability. The parties shall cooperate in the drafting and execution of all paperwork necessary to accomplish the refinancing. Other condition related to the transfer: Property Awarded to Defendant: Defendant is awarded the following parcel(s) of real property, free and clear of any interest of Plaintiff: Defendant shall be solely responsible for mortgage, property taxes and all expenses related to the property By , Defendant shall pay Plaintiff $ as compensation for his/her interest in the property. By , the Plaintiff shall sign a quit claim deed transferring his/her interest in the property to Defendant. By , Defendant shall refinance the mortgage on the property releasing Plaintiff from all liability. The parties shall cooperate in the drafting and execution of all paperwork necessary to accomplish the refinancing. Other condition related to the transfer: American LegalNet, Inc. Form 878NR Final Stipulation Non Resident Civil Union (12/2014) Page 4 of 5 8. Division of Debt (other than mortgages and vehicle debt) Each party shall be solely responsible for any debts he or she has incurred since the date of separation, and will hold the other party harmless therefrom. Plaintiff shall have the sole responsibility to pay the following debts: (List each debt and the amount owed) Defendant shall have the sole responsibility to pay the following debts: (List each debt and the amount owed) Other agreements related to payment of debt: 9. Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Neither party shall pay spousal maintenance to the other. shall pay the sum of $per as spousal maintenance. The obligation shall terminate: On or the death of one of the parties, whichever earlier occurs. Upon the occurrence of the following event: or the death of one of the parties, whichever occurs earlier. Upon the death of one of the parties. Each year on or before , this obligation shall be adjusted for inflation based on the annual increase/decrease in: The consumer price index (CPI) published by the U.S. Department of Labor. (For information about the CPI, check the U.S. Department of Labor web site: Other: (please describe) 10. Procedure for Resolving Disputes If