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Inventory Of Trustee Form. This is a Vermont form and can be use in Probate Court Statewide.
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Tags: Inventory Of Trustee, 116, Vermont Statewide, Probate Court
Probate Court Form No. 116 Inventory of Trustee STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF _______________________ IN RE THE ESTATE OF DOCKET NO. _________________________________________________ LATE OF ______________________ INVENTORY OF TRUSTEE Inventory Instruction Each trustee must make oath that the followingve inntory is a true inventory of all the real andpersonal estate of the trust estate which has come to your possession or knowledge after diligent search. Youmust list all this property on this form, by item, wa description of the propertyith and its fair market value.For any real estate, include the type of deed, gtor(s) and gran rantee(s), date of execution, the book, page,number and town. You may employ an appraiser if necessary. o, list the namIf s e and address of each appraiser, andindicate which items have been appraised. You must specify with respect to each item all liens and encumbrances which exist and the type andamount of the lien or encumbrance, including the date, book and page number. You must also serve a copyof this inventory on all persons entitled to notice is proceedingin th . If any further property comes to yourpossession or knowledge, or if you discover that the description or value of any item listed in this inventoryis erroneous or misleading, you must make a supplemtal inven entory, file it with the court, and serve allpersons entitled to notice. Item Number Description of Property Fair Market Value____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________TOTAL___________________ * At the time of decedents death or at the time the property otherwise entered the estate. >>>> 2 I/We, _____________________________________________, declare that this inventory is completeand accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, after diligent inquiry.Trustee signature(s): ______________________________________________ Subscribed and sworn to on this __________________ day of ___________________, 20_____. Before me, _______________________________________ Notary Public,Register/ JudgeNOTICE: A certificate of service must be filed with the court by the person who submits this document. Thecertificate must list each person to whomopies of this docum c ent have been sent,