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STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit In re Guardianship of : PROBATE DIVISION Docket No.: MOTION for APPOINTMENT of GUARDIAN AD LITEM I have been appointed to represent the Respondent. I request that the Court appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for the Respondent pursuant to V.R.F.P. 6.1. The reason for this motion is that the Respondent is unable to communicate effectively with counsel about this case. In accordance with the rule, I request that the Court set a hearing on this motion as quickly as possible and sufficiently in advance of the hearing on the merits so as to allow the Guardian Ad Litem adequate time to prepare for the hearing on the merits. Respectfully submitted, Dated Signature of Attorney Attorney's Name Printed Attorney's Address Attorney's Phone Number PAG100 Motion/Affidavit/Notice/Certificate of Service - GAL (09/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 1 of 4 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit In re Guardianship of : PROBATE DIVISION Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT in SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR GUARDIAN AD LITEM I hereby state under oath that: 1. I represent the Respondent in this matter. 2. I met with Respondent on _________________________, and found that the Respondent was not Date able to communicate effectively with me about this case. Dated Signature of Attorney Attorney's Name Printed Subscribed and sworn before me on: date My commission expires on: Date of Expiration Signature of Notary PAG100 Motion/Affidavit/Notice/Certificate of Service - GAL (09/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 4 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit In re Guardianship of : PROBATE DIVISION Docket No. ATTENTION: ________________________________ Name of Respondent These papers are a request by your attorney to have the Court appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for you. You do not have to agree with this request. You have the right to appear in person before the Court to object to this request, or you may object by telephone or letter. A hearing on this request will be held at the Probate Division of the Vermont Superior Court in the unit named above. A notice of the hearing with the address of the Court, and the date and time of hearing will be sent to you by the Court. If you would like to object by telephone, you may call the Court at: Or if you would like to object in writing, you may send mail to the Court at: PAG100 Motion/Affidavit/Notice/Certificate of Service - GAL (09/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 4 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit In re Guardianship of : PROBATE DIVISION Docket No. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on _____________________________ I served ___________________________________ Date Name of Respondent with a copy of the Motion for Appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem, with supporting Affidavit and accompanying explanation of Respondent's right to object to the Motion by mailing it to him/her at his/her residence. Dated Signature of Attorney Attorney's Name Printed PAG100 Motion/Affidavit/Notice/Certificate of Service - GAL (09/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 4 of 4