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Motion For License To Mortgage Or Lease Form. This is a Vermont form and can be use in Probate Court Statewide.
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Tags: Motion For License To Mortgage Or Lease, 120, Vermont Statewide, Probate Court
Probate Court Form No. 120 (page 1 0f 2) Motion for License to Mortgage or Lease STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF _______________________DOC KET NO. ______________IN RE TRUST OF ______________________________________ FOR THE BENEFIT OF _________________________________ MOTION FOR LICENSE TO SELL I, _____________________________, Trustee of the bova e entitled trust estate move the court fora license to (mortgage) (lease) personal or real estate the oftrust estate described as follows (if real estate,provide description from current deed, and book and page where deed is recorded): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
___ In support of this motion, I state: ( ) That the proposed mgoagrt e is necessary because ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
_______ That the amount to be raised is ___________________________________________________ That the nature and amount of the obligation to be secured is ___________________________ ( )That the proposed lease is necessary or expedient because_______________________ That the proposed term of the lease is _____________________________________________ That the proposed lessee is ______________________________________________________ ( ) That the proposed (mortgage) (lease) is authorized under the provisions of Article_________of the Will. Dated at North Hero, Vermont this ________ day of _______________, 20_____. _________________________________ Trustee At ____________ Vemr ont on the ___________ day of ________________, 20_____ appeared andmade solemn oath that _____________________ would faithfully discharge the duties of trustee in makingthe mortgage or lease above described as in _________ jmudgent would be most beneficial to the trust andaccording to law. Before me, ________________________________ Probate Judge/Register/Notary Public>>>> 2Probate Court Form No. 120 (page 2 of 2) Motion for License to Mortgage or Lease IN RE TRUST OF ____________________________ FOR THE BENEFIT OF _______________________ CONSENT OF INTERESTED PERSONS By our signatures below, we, the persons in this proceeding, consent to the granting of the license.We understand that if all the interested persons do not sign below, the motion may be denied or a hearingwill be set by the court and notice of that hearing wbe gill iven to all interested persons by the applicationor the court. Signature Print Name Date ______________________ _____________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________