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700-00091 226 Notice of Rights (10/2017) Page 1 of 1 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION Unit Docket No. IN RE: In re Guardianship of: NOTICE OF RIGHTS (Voluntary and Involuntary Guardianships) TO: You have the right to request this court to change or end your guardianship. You may want to make such a request if: 1. Your ability to manage your personal care or you r financial affairs has changed; 2. Yo ur guardian has died; 3. Your guardia n did not file an annual report; 4. Your guardian did not follow an order of the court; or 5. Your guardian is unable to carry out the powers and duties of a guardian. There may be other reasons to change or end your guardianship. If you wish to change or end your guardianship, you should send a written request to the court stating your reasons. If you do not wish to make any changes, you do not need to do anything. American LegalNet, Inc.