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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA ________________________ Division In re Case No. _________________________ Debtor(s)* CHAPTER 11 Last four digits of Social-Security (SSN) No(s).: [Last4 xxxx/xxxx] ________ [Last4 xxxx/xxxx] Last four digits of Individual Taxpayer-Identification (ITIN) No(s).: ________ Employer Tax-Identification (EIN) No(s).: ____________ NOTICE OF HEARING ON CONFIRMATION, COMBINED WITH NOTICE OF TIMES FOR FILING ACCEPTANCES OR REJECTIONS OF PLAN AND OBJECTIONS TO CONFIRMATION TO: Debtor(s), creditors, equity security holders, creditors committee(s), Securities and Exchange Commission, United States Trustee, trustee, if any, and other parties in interest NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. On _________________________, the court approved a Disclosure Statement in connection with a Plan of Reorganization filed by _______________________________________. 2. There are transmitted herewith: a. A copy of the Plan of Reorganization and amendment thereto, if applicable b. A copy of the approved Disclosure Statement and amendment and addenda thereto, if applicable c. Order and Opinion, if any, of the Court approving the Disclosure Statement d. Appropriate forms for the acceptance or rejection of said Plan. 3. By the said Order of the Court, __________________________________, is fixed as the last day for filing written acceptances or rejection of the Plan. 4. Any objection to confirmation of the plan and any complaint objecting to the discharge of the individual debtor, if applicable, shall be filed with the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court, ___________________________________________, no later than 7 days prior to the hearing on confirmation and any objection to confirmation shall be served pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 3020(b)(1) and Local Bankruptcy Rule 3016-1(E). 5. The hearing on confirmation of the Plan and such objections as may be made thereto will be held on ________________________________, at _________________________ in, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Date: ________________________ _________________________________________ Proponent By ______________________________________ Attorney for Proponent State Bar Number: Address: Telephone No. PROOF OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on ________________________________, I mailed a copy of the foregoing notice to the debtor(s), creditors, equity security holders, creditors committee(s), United States Trustee, trustee, if any, Securities and Exchange Commission and other parties in interest. _________________________________________ *Include Last Four Digits of Soc. Sec. No./ Attorney for Proponent Complete EIN or other Taxpayer I.D. No. [ntccnfhr ver. 01/13] American LegalNet, Inc.