Motion To Quash Garnishment
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Motion To Quash Garnishment Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in USBC Western Federal.
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Tags: Motion To Quash Garnishment, I18, Virginia Federal, USBC Western
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA In re: CASE NO. CHAPTER Debtor(s) MOTION TO QUASH GARNISHMENT Comes now your applicant, _______________________________________, by counsel, pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 362(a), and respectfully represents: 1. That your applicant has filed his petition for relief under Chapter ___ of Title 11 of the United States Code; 2. That your applicant is subject to a garnishment issued by the (name and address of the Court) __________________________________________________________________________________ within 90 days of the filing of the above-named petition; 3. That said garnishment is in favor of (name and address of creditor) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________and has a return date of _________________________________, and the first withholding is to be made by your applicants employer (name and address) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ , on (date) ___________________________________________________________________________, OR applicants employer (name and address) _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ has withheld the sum of $______________________. WHEREFORE, your applicant prays that said garnishment be quashed and that he/she have such other and further relief as thenature of his/her case may require. Copies hereof are directed by mail to the debtor, creditor, and debtors employer. DATE: Respectfully submitted, ______________________________ By:___________________________ Applicant i18.frm 2000 (C) American LegalNet, Inc.