Order Respecting The Preparation Of A Pre-Sentence Investigation
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Order Respecting The Preparation Of A Pre-Sentence Investigation Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in Loudoun Local County.
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Tags: Order Respecting The Preparation Of A Pre-Sentence Investigation, Virginia Local County, Loudoun
VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LOUDOUN COUNTY COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA v. __________________ Defendant ) ) Criminal No. ) ) ORDER RESPECTING THE PREPARATION OF A PRE-SENTENCE INVESTIGATION IT IS THIS DATE ORDERED THAT. 1. The Probation Office of this Court prepares a pre-sentence report. The report shall be returnable to the following date and time: _________________________________ 2. The defendant shall file with the Probation Office of this Court the completed form furnished by the Clerk by the following date: _________________________________ 3. The defendant shall promptly attend all meetings scheduled by the Probation Office incident to the preparation of the report. The defendant, by endorsement represents the following information to be true and correct. Name: _____________________________ Social Security Number: ___________ Address: _________________________________ Bond Status: ______________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________ THIS ORDER supplements any other Orders of the Court relevant to the abovestyled case. This case is continued. The Clerk shall forward a copy of this Order to the Probation Office FORTHWITH. ENTERED this day of Judge Judge , 200_. American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com