Request For Witness Summons
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Request For Witness Summons Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in Prince William Local County.
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Tags: Request For Witness Summons, Virginia Local County, Prince William
VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF PRINCE WILLIAM COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Plaintiff, v Defendant The Clerk of this Court is requested to issue a witness subpoena on the behalf of the defendant for each of the following to appear in this court on CRIMINAL NUMBER(S) ________________________ The_____________ day of ___________________20______ at _____________ o'clock ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 1. INDICATE THE COUNTY OF SERVICE (SHERIFF'S OFFICE) FOR EACH PERSON, OR 2. IF YOU WANT SERVICE BY PRIVATE PROCESS, THIS MUST BE CLEARLY STATED Request made this ____________ day of _______________________, 20__________ ____________________________ (Signature) ____________________________ (Printed name) ____________________________ (Daytime telephone number) American LegalNet, Inc.