Supplement To Petition For Expedited Enforcement Of The Uniform Child Custody And Enforcement Act
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Supplement To Petition For Expedited Enforcement Of The Uniform Child Custody And Enforcement Act Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Supplement To Petition For Expedited Enforcement Of The Uniform Child Custody And Enforcement Act, DC-584, Virginia Statewide, District Court
SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION FOR EXPEDITED ENFORCEMENT UNDER VIRGINIA CODE � 20-146.29 OF THE UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY AND ENFORCEMENT ACT Commonwealth of Virginia Va. Code �� 20-146.29; 20-146.32 Case No. 1. Did the court that issued the child custody determination upon which this enforcement action is based identify the jurisdictional basis upon which it relied in exercising jurisdiction? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, what was the basis: 2. Has the child custody determination upon which this enforcement action is based been vacated, stayed or modified by any court whose decision must be enforced under this act? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please provide the following information: Name and location of court(s) Case Number(s) Nature of Proceeding: 3. Has any proceeding been commenced in a court of any State or foreign country that could affect the current proceeding, including but not limited to proceedings related to custody, visitation, paternity, support, domestic violence, protective orders, abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, and adoptions? [ ] Yes [ ] No Name and location of court(s) Case Number(s) Nature of Proceeding: 4. Present physical address of the child: Present physical address of the Respondent: 5. Is relief other than the immediate physical custody of the child and attorney's fees being requested? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, what relief is being sought (additional relief would include the assistance of law enforcement officials)? 6. Has the child custody determination upon which this enforcement action is based been registered in any other court? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please provide the date(s) and place(s) of registration: 7. [ ] I, the Petitioner, request that the court issue an ex parte order that the child be taken into immediate physical custody because the child is imminently likely to suffer serious physical harm or be removed from the Commonwealth of Virginia. This supplement is incorporated into the PETITION to which the supplement is attached. FORM DC-584 (PAGE ONE OF ONE) 12/01 PDF American LegalNet, Inc.