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FORM DC-331 MASTER 07/19 SURETY222S CAPIAS AND BAILPIECE RELEASE Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE 247 19.2-149 BAILPIECE RELEASE I, the undersigned surety for the accused, desiring to be discharged from liability as surety on the recognizance described above, request a capias for the arrest and surrender of the accused for the following reason: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... [ ] A show cause summons was issued by the court for which the accused is to appear. ........................................................................ DATE SURETY SURETY222S CAPIAS TO ANY AUTHORIZED OFFICER, OR TO THE VIRGINIA-LICENSED BAIL BONDSMAN ACTING AS SURETY OR HIS LICENSED BAIL ENFORCEMENT AGENT: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED in the name of the Commonwealth forthwith to arrest the Accused, and to deliver him or her to the Sheriff or Jailor of the city or county named in Part A above. [ ] The bail bondsman deposited with the [ ] magistrate [ ] clerk 10% of the bond amount or $50, whichever is greater, specifically $ ................................................................................ . [ ] No deposit is required as the bondsman indicated above that a show cause summons was issued by the court. ........................................................................ DATE AND TIME ISSUED [ ] CLERK [ ] DEPUTY CLERK [ ] JUDGE [ ] MAGISTRATE SURETY222S NAME BOND AMOUNT $ PART A COURT TO WHICH DEFENDANT WAS BONDED The Accused is required to appear before the [ ] General District Court [ ] Circuit Court .......................................................................................................... [ ] Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court CITY OR COUNTY on ............................................................................................................................................................................................ DATE AND TIME PART B LOCATION WHERE DEFENDANT WAS BONDED The Accused was released on a recognizance taken before a judicial officer of the [ ] Court named above in block A [OR] [ ] General District Court [ ] Circuit Court .......................................................................................................... [ ] Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court CITY OR COUNTY CHARGE: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CASE NO. SURETY222S CAPIAS AND BAILPIECE RELEASE [ ] Commonwealth of Virginia [ ] City [ ] County [ ] Town of ........................................................................................................... v. ........................................................................................................... ACCUSED ........................................................................................................... RETURN The Accused named above was this day delivered into the custody of: [ ] the Court named in Part A to the left. [ ] the Court named in Part B to the left. [ ] the sheriff, sergeant or jailer of the city or county named in Part A to the left. ........................................................................................................... DATE AND TIME [ ] CLERK [ ] SHERIFF [ ] JAILOR American LegalNet, Inc.