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Locate Data Sheet Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Locate Data Sheet, OMB-085G, Virginia Statewide, District Court
LOCATE DATA SHEET - Use CSENet If Agreement Is In Place
Petitioner: Name (first, middle, last)
Social Security Number
IV-D Case: [
Respondent: Name (first, middle, last)
Social Security Number
] IV-E Foster Care
] Medicaid Only
] Former Assistance
] Never Assistance
File Stamp
Non-IV-D Case: [ ]
Initiating FIPS Code
(Central Registry or Agency Name and Address)
Initiating IV-D Case Number
Initiating Tribunal Number
[ ]
(Contact Person, Agency, Address, Phone, Fax, E-mail)
Non Custodial Parent Information
[ ]
Custodial Parent Information
Full Name (first, middle, last)
[ ]
Possibly Dangerous
Social Security Number(s)
Mother's Maiden or Father's Name
Current Spouse's Name (first, middle, last)
Date of Birth (or approximate year)
Place of Birth
Driver's License Number/State
[ ]
[ ]
Maiden Name
Last Known Address
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
(City, State, County)
Distinguishing Marks, Scars, Tattoos, Glasses, Etc.
[ ] Confirmed
Telephone: (
Usual Occupation/Professional Licenses
Last Known Employer
[ ] Confirmed
(Name, Full Address, Federal EIN)
Telephone: (
Other Information, Including Assets, Education, Police Record, Public Assistance History,
Incarceration Facility/Address if using for service of process
Wage Qtr
Wage Year
Wage Amount
[ ]
[ ]
Other Items, e.g., Fingerprints
Initiating Contact Person (first, middle, last)
Phone Number and Extension
Fax Number
Locate Data Sheet
OMB No. 0970 - 0085 Expiration Date: 01/31/2011
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American LegalNet, Inc.
The Locate Data Sheet is used by a IV-D agency for requesting locate information (regarding either parent, employer,
wages, assets) from another State. The requesting jurisdiction completes as much of the form as possible with the
information it has.
Italicized text that appears within a “box” refers to policy or provides additional information.
In addition to the more common data elements specified on the Locate Data Sheet, space is provided to note other locate/
asset information particular to the case. For example, information on wages, violence potential, military/veteran status,
and relatives may prove useful in working a case.
Quick Locate. The Locate Data Sheet is used to request “quick locate.” You may send the request directly to the
responding State’s Parent Locator Service. “Quick locate” is useful if a State believes that a parent may be in one of
several States, but is unsure of which State. If a State intends to use its long-arm jurisdiction to establish or enforce an
order, it may choose to use “quick locate” to confirm the parent’s location.
• Identify the petitioner and respondent name (first, middle, last) and Social Security Number in the appropriate
• Check the appropriate space to identify the type of case: TANF; IV-E Foster Care, Medicaid only; former assistance,
never assistance, or Non-IV-D.
TANF means the obligee’s family receives IV-A cash payments. A Medicaid only case is a case where the
obligee’s family receives Medicaid but does not receive TANF (IV-A cash payments).
• In the space marked “To:”, list the name and address (street, city, State, and zip code) of the court or agency where
you are sending the Locate Data Sheet.
• In the space marked “From:”, list a contact person, agency name, address (street, city, State, zip code), phone
number (including extension), fax number, and e-mail address.
• In the appropriate spaces, enter the Initiating jurisdiction’s FIPS code, State, and IV-D case number, and tribunal
Under “IV-D case number”, enter the number/identifier identical to the one submitted on the Federal Case
Registry, which is a left-justified 15-character alphanumeric field, allowing all characters except asterisk and
backslash, and with all characters in uppercase. Under “tribunal number”, you may enter the docket number,
cause number, or any other appropriate reference number which the initiating tribunal or agency has assigned
to the case. The initiating jurisdiction is the jurisdiction that referred the case to the responding jurisdiction for
• Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the locate information pertains to the “Non Custodial Parent” or
“Custodial Parent”. Check the box for “Possibly Dangerous” if the party may be dangerous.
• Provide as much information about the party as possible.
• For “Full Name”, enter the party’s complete name (First, Middle, Last).
• Provide “Social Security Number(s)”, if known; this information is vital.
• Enter the party’s “Alias”, “Maiden Name”, or “Mother’s Maiden or Father’s Name” if known and check the appropriate
box to identify the type of name provided.
• Enter the party’s “Current Spouse’s Name”, if known.
• Enter the party’s date of birth or approximate year of birth if exact date is unknown.
Locate Data Sheet
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American LegalNet, Inc.
• Enter the party’s place of birth, if known.
• Enter the party’s driver’s license number and State of issuance, if known.
• Enter the party’s sex as M or F.
• When listing a party’s race, select from the following: 1) White (non-hispanic), 2) Black (non¬hispanic), 3) Hispanic, 4)
American Indian - Alaskan Native, or 5) Asian - Pacific Islander.
• Enter the party’s hair and eye color and weight in pounds and height in feet and inches, if known.
• Enter the party’s distinguishing marks, trying to be as specific as possible to aid in identification.
• For “Last Known Address” and “Last Known Employer” information, indicate if the information has been confirmed/
verified by the initiating State agency. Indicate the date the information was confirmed. If the information has not been
confirmed, provide last known information.
• Under “Usual Occupation/Professional Licenses”, list any licenses you are aware of the party holding.
• Under “Other Information” list any additional information that may be useful in locating the party. Attach photograph
or fingerprints if available. Under “Employment” list information obtained from the State agency (SESA). Indicate
the quarter and year that the information was reported to the SESA as well as the wage amount. If the individual is
incarcerated and service of process is being requested, provide the name and address of the facility.
• At the bottom of the form, provide a specific worker’s name, a direct telephone number (with extension if necessary),
fax number and e-mail address to expedite communication between jurisdictions.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This information collection is conducted in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 651 et seq. and 45 CFR 303.7 of the child
support enforcement program. Standard forms are designed to provide uniformity and standardization for interstate
case processing. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average under half an
hour per response. The responses to this collection are mandatory in accordance with the above statute and
regulation. This information is subject to State and Federal confidentiality requirements; however, the information
will be filed with the tribunal and/or agency in the responding State and may, depending on State law, be disclosed
to other parties. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
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American LegalNet, Inc.