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Confidential Informational Letter For Employee Not Represented By Counsel Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in Workers Compensation.
Tags: Confidential Informational Letter For Employee Not Represented By Counsel, Virginia Workers Compensation,
A Form Informational Letter for an Employee who is NOT Represented by Counsel
A Form Confidential Informational Letter for an Employee who is NOT Represented by Counsel
To: Jane Groves
Senior Claims Examiner
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission
Name of Employee: ________________________
Re: VWC File No._______________:
I submit the following information in order to assist the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission in determining whether to approve the proposed
settlement of my pending workers' compensation claim. I understand that this information will be sealed and held in confidence by the Commission.
1. Date and nature of my injury or disease: _____________________________________________
2. Age:__ years.
3. Family status: _____ (married, single, divorced, widowed).
4. Names and ages of all dependents:
Relationship to Employee, i.e., son, daughter, or
Weekly Wages and Date of Return to Work
6. Please indicate the amount and source of any other income: (If you have no other income sources, please indicate "none" in the area below.)
7. Are you able to read, write and understand the English language? (yes or no) (circle one).
(a) If you are not literate in English, state the name of the person reading, and/or translating, and explaining the settlement papers to you.
Name of Person
Telephone Number
8. Are you currently receiving medical treatment? (yes or no) (circle one)
Date of last medical treatment ____________________
(a) Please describe the type of treatment and how often you visit your treating physician:
(b) Identify the doctor(s) in the space below.
Telephone Number
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American LegalNet, Inc.
A Form Informational Letter for an Employee who is NOT Represented by Counsel
(c) Are there any outstanding medical expenses? (yes or no) If yes, please state the name of the medical provider and the amount due.
9. Do you expect future medical expenses? (yes or no).(circle one)
Type of Medical Expense & Treatment
When or How Often Anticipated
10. Do you have any other insurance that will cover your medical expenses after the settlement? (yes or no) (circle one). Please give the name of the
company. _______________________________________________
11. What is your intended use of the settlement proceeds?
(a) If you have any outstanding debts, please itemize your major debts (over $1000.00) and the amounts, and indicate which of these debts you plan to
pay from the settlement.
Amount Owed
Amount That You Plan to pay from the
12. Please list all of your major financial assets (over $1000.00), including your home, land, equipment of all kinds, bank accounts, certificates of
deposits, stocks, bonds and any other type of investments.
Major Financial Asset
Please provide the following: (required)
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A Form Informational Letter for an Employee who is NOT Represented by Counsel
Employee’s Signature :
Telephone Number:
Please attach additional sheets to supplement your answers to any of the above questions.
Please return this completed form to:
Jane Groves, Senior Claims Examiner
Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission
1000 DMV Drive
Richmond, Virginia 23220
American LegalNet, Inc.
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