Subpoena Duces Tecum Requesting Party
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Subpoena Duces Tecum Requesting Party Form. This is a Virginia form and can be use in Workers Compensation.
Tags: Subpoena Duces Tecum Requesting Party, Virginia Workers Compensation,
SUBPOENA DUCES TECUMVWC File No. Case of COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIAVIRGINIA WORKERS325 COMPENSATION COMMISSIONTo the Sheriff of the City/County of WE COMMAND that you summon V Workers325 Compensation Comm Richmond, Virginia 232 to produce to [Requesting Party] at on or before the day of , 20 at 10:00 A.M., legible photo copies of certain writings described, to wit:The workers325 compensation claim file[s] of , Social Security Number , VWC Claim No[s]. [if known] , on behalf of the in a matter now pending and undetermined before this Commission, wherein is the claimant,and the defendant[s].Failure to produce said copies as directed is punishable by the penalty prescribed by law.Witness, this the day of , 20 .VIRGINIA WORKERS325 COMPENSATION COMMISSION Deputy CommissionerFee for service paid by: cc: ATTENTION SHERIFF: Return Service to: Virginia Workers325 Compensation CommissionRichmond, Virginia 232 American LegalNet, Inc.