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Amendment Cover Sheet Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in USBC Western Federal.
Tags: Amendment Cover Sheet, Washington Federal, USBC Western
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AMENDMENT COVER SHEET DEBTOR LAST NAME CASE NUMBER ATTORNEY FOR DEBTOR CHAPTER PHONE PLEASE CHECK WHAT IS BEING AMENDED PLEASE INDICATE WHICH SCHEDULE IS BEING AMENDED - *ONLY ONE $31 FEE REQUIRED IF AMENDMENT CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE CHANGE TO THE SCHEDULES AND LIST OF CREDITORS. SUBMIT ORIGINAL ONLY � NO COPIES REQUIRED 1. PETITION: Change debtor(s) name requires Motion and Ex Parte Order (No fee required) 2. MATRIX: Adding, Deleting Creditors (Requires $31 Fee) No fee is required when the nature of the amendment is to change the address of a creditor or an attorney for a creditor listed on the schedules or to add the name and address of an attorney for a listed creditor. When submitting an amended Matrix, send Matrix with ONLY the amended creditors. ECF filers are required to upload additional creditors into ECF and upload a pdf matrix of the amended creditors To do so, login to ECF, select the Bankruptcy menu, then click on the Creditor Maintenance hyperlink. 3. SCHEDULES: D, E/F (Requires $31 fee) A fee is charged to add creditors, delete creditors, change the amount of a debt, or change the classification of a debt. A, B, C, G, H, I, J, (No fee required) Form 106Dec Declaration About an Individual Debtor's Schedules (required) Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors (required) Refer to LBR 1009-1(c)(2) for information regarding notice to added creditors 4. AMENDING AMOUNTS/TOTALS OF SCHEDULES: D, E/F (Requires $31 fee) A, B, C, G, H, I, J, (No fee required) Form 106Dec Declaration About an Individual Debtor's Schedules (required) Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors (required) 5. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS (No fee required) Amendment Cover Sheet Local Forms W.D. Wash. Bankr., Form 2 Eff. 12/16 American LegalNet, Inc.