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Chapter 13 Trustee Information Sheet (after 10-17-05) Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in USBC Western Federal.
Tags: Chapter 13 Trustee Information Sheet (after 10-17-05), 13-2, Washington Federal, USBC Western
CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE INFORMATION SHEET Debtors are required to complete and file this information sheet with the Chapter 13 Trustee at the time a Chapter 13 case is filed. The trustee will send a payroll directive, if appropriate, to the employer at the address listed on this sheet. Failure to list the proper payroll address may result in payment delinquency and a motion to dismiss by the trustee. If the plan provides for preconfirmation adequate protection payments or payments on a current obligation such as a mortgage, it is imperative for debtors to make the first plan payment to the trustee immediately rather than waiting for a payroll deduction to take effect, so that the trustee can disburse funds as soon as is practicable after the claim is filed. Payments must be made by cashier222s check or money order with the case number listed, sent to the trustee222s regular payment address. Case # DEBTOR 1DEBTOR 2 NAME: NAME: [ ] Address is the same as Debtor 1 HOME ADDRESS: HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS: E-MAIL: E-MAIL : HOME PHONE: HOME PHONE: American LegalNet, Inc. Employer addresses and phone numbers. Issue Wage Deduction on Debtor 1 or 2 (please check) DEBTOR 1 [ ]DEBTOR 2 [ ] EMPLOYER NAME: EMPLOYER NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PHONE: PHONE: FAX: FAX: PAID: WEEKLY [ ] BIWEEKLY [ ] PAID: WEEKLY [ ] BIWEEKLY [ ] MONTHLY [ ] SEMI-MONTHLY [ ] MONTHLY [ ] SEMI-MONTHLY [ ] OTHER OTHER DEBTOR 1 OTHER SOURCE OF INCOME: DEBTOR 2: OTHER SOURCE OF INCOME: Tax returns: Before a plan can be confirmed, debtors must file with the appropriate tax authorities all applicable Federal, State and local tax returns for all taxable periods ending during the 4-year period ending on the date of the filing of the petition. Check the blanks below to indicate returns that have been filed; if a return has not been filed, do not check the blank. Write 223NR224 if you were not required to file. Write 223EXT224 if you have applied for an extension. Federal State Local Most recent year 2nd year past 3rd year past 4th year past If operating as a business, please attach additional sheet listing the status of each required business return for the past 4 tax years. American LegalNet, Inc. Domestic Support Obligations: The trustee must have this information to send required notice to all holders of domestic support obligation claims pursuant to 11 USC 2471302 (d)(1). If there are multiple claim holders, attach an additional sheet listing the name of the claim holder, and the claim holder222s address and telephone number. Debtor(s) have a domestic support obligation (please check below): DEBTOR 1 DEBTOR 2 YES NO YES NO Name of claim holder: Address: Telephone: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of claim holder: Address: Telephone: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debtor(s) certify that the information listed above, including tax return status, is accurate. Debtor 1: Debtor 2: Date: Date: [Local Bankruptcy Form 13-2, amended] American LegalNet, Inc.