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Pretrial Order Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Chelan Local County.
Tags: Pretrial Order, Washington Local County, Chelan
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CHELAN ) ) ) ) Plaintiff(s), ) ) vs. ) No. ) ) ) PRETRIAL ORDER ) ) Defendant(s). ) ) I. BASIS 1.1 The above matter has been noted for trial setting. 1.2 present: For Plaintiff(s): For Defendant(s): A pretrial conference was held and the following persons were II. ORDER 2.1 Names and addresses of attendant lawyers who will try the case and are authorized to enter into binding stipulations: For Plaintiff(s): For Defendant(s): 2.2 Summary of plaintiff's case: 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. 2.3 Summary of defense and counterclaim: LR 16 EXHIBIT D (continued) 2.4 The following amendments are allowed to the pleadings: 2.5 Names and addresses of plaintiff's witnesses and summary of testimony expected from each: 2.6 Names and addresses of defendant's witnesses and summary of testimony expected from each: Additional Witnesses: If additional witnesses are discovered, who by the use of reasonable diligence could not have been discovered before the Pretrial Conference, the party intending to use such witness shall immediately report the names, addresses and summary of the testimony of such witness to opposing counsel and the court. 2.7 Facts admitted by stipulation and agreement: 2.8 Exhibits produced for admission: a. The following exhibits were marked, identified and admitted without objection, no further identification or offers of admission shall be required at trial: The following exhibits were produced and offered but were objected to for competency, relevancy and materiality; they may be introduced at the trial without formal identification, their authenticity being agreed to: The admission of the following exhibits will be contested: The following exhibits will be sent to opposing counsel within days and within five days of receipt forwarded to the court with any objections thereto; in the event no objections are raised the exhibits will be admitted in accordance with the provisions of (a) above. b. c. d. Additional Exhibits: If additional exhibits or documents are discovered which could not have been discovered by reasonable diligence before the Pretrial Conference, the party intending to use them shall immediately exhibit them to opposing counsel and submit them to the court to be marked for identification. Opposing counsel shall immediately indicate to the court his or her position with respect to such exhibit, i.e., whether his or her position falls under (a), (b) or (c) above. 2.9 Unresolved issues: 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. LR 16 EXHIBIT D (continued) 2.10 Points of law passed upon by the court: 2.11 Estimated length of trial: Jury: 2.12 Other matters that may aid the trial: Set for trial: Approved, stipulated and agreed: ______________________ Attorney for Plaintiff ________________________ Attorney for Defendant IT IS ORDERED that the stipulations be carried out as outlined above. DATED: JUDGE 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.