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Defendant Waiver of Presence DC 1028D Page 1 of 1 Rev 12/2009 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK STATE OF WASHINGTON ) NO. CITY OF VANCOUVER ) CITY OF CAMAS ) DEFENDANT222S WAIVER OF CITY OF WASHOUGAL ) PRESENCE AT PRETRIAL/OMNIBUS vs. ) HEARING ) ) Defendant. ) Comes now the Defendant, , and hereby waives his/her presence at the pretrial/omnibus hearing scheduled for . Defendant hereby represents that he/she has discussed the above-captioned case with his/her attorney and is informed that: 1) No outstanding issues of discovery exist; 2) No pretrial motions, other than motions in limine, remain to be litigated, remain to be litigated before the date of trial; and, 3) A readiness hearing date and trial date be set by the court at the time of the pretrial/ omnibus hearing. Defendant agrees to appear on both the readiness hearing date and the trial date, and is aware that failure to do so may result in a warrant and/or forfeiture of any bail or bond by the court. Dated Defendant Street Address/City/State/Zip Phone Presented by: Defendant222s Attorney, WSBA# American LegalNet, Inc.