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Case Types 3 - 6 Case Information Cover Sheet Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Clark Local County.
Tags: Case Types 3 - 6 Case Information Cover Sheet, Washington Local County, Clark
___________________________ COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT
Case Number ___________________ Case Title _______________________________________
Attorney Name ____________________________ Bar Membership Number _________________
Please check one category that best describes this case for indexing purposes. Accurate case indexing not only saves
time in docketing new cases, but helps in forecasting needed judicial resources. Cause of action definitions are listed
on the back of this form. Thank you for your cooperation.
Annulment/Invalidity (INV 3)
Child Custody (CUS 3)
Committed Intimate Relationship (CIR 3)
Dissolution with Children (DIC 3)
Dissolution with no Children (DIN 3)
Dissolution of Domestic Partnership with
Children (DPC 3)
Dissolution of Domestic Partnership with
No Children (DPN 3)
Foreign Judgment (FJU 3)
Invalidity-Domestic Partnership (INP 3)
Legal Separation (SEP 3)
Legal Separation-Domestic Partnership (SPD 3)
Mandatory Wage Assignment (MWA 3)
Modification (MOD 3)
Modification: Support Only (MDS 3)
Out-of-State Custody (OSC 3)
Parenting Plan/Child Support (PPS 3)
Reciprocal, Respondent in County (RIC 3)
Reciprocal, Respondent Out of County (ROC 3)
Confidential Name Change (CHN 5)
Alcohol/Drug Treatment (ALT 6)
Mental Illness--Adult (MI 6)
Mental Illness--Juvenile (MIJ 6)
Mental Illness-Other Venue (MIO 6)
Adoption (ADP 5)
Confidential Intermediary (MSC 5)
Initial Pre-Placement Report (PPR 5)
Modification (MOD 5)
Paternity (PAT 5)
Paternity/URESA/UIFSA (PUR 5)
Relinquishment (REL 5)
(Title 26)Termination of Parent-Child Relationship (TER 5)
Absentee (ABS 4)
Disclaimer (DSC 4)
Estate (EST 4)
Foreign Will (FNW 4)
Guardianship (GDN 4)
Guardianship/Estate (G/E 4)
Guardianship of the Estate (GDE 4)
Guardianship of the Person (GDP 4)
Limited Guardianship (LGD 4)
Limited Guardianship of the Estate (LGE 4)
Limited Guardianship of the Person (LGP 4)
Minor Guardianship (MGD 4)
Minor Settlement (With guardianship) (MST 4)
Non-Probate Notice to Creditors (NNC 4)
Sealed Will Repository (SWR 4)
Trust/Estate Dispute Resolution (TDR 4)
Trust (TRS 4)
Will Only (WLL 4)
If you cannot determine the appropriate category, please describe the cause of action below.
Please Note: Public information in court files and pleadings may be posted on a public Web site.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Annulment--Invalidity--Petition claiming
an illegal or invalid marriage.
Child Custody--Petition involving the
immediate charge and control of a child.
Committed Intimate RelationshipPetition for distribution of property from a
committed intimate relationship (i.e., a
stable, marital-like relationship where both
parties cohabit with knowledge that a
lawful marriage between them does not
Dissolution with Children--Petition to
terminate a marriage other than
annulment, with children of that marriage.
Dissolution with no Children--Petition to
terminate a marriage other than
annulment, with no children of that
Dissolution of Domestic Partnership–
With Children--Petition to terminate a
domestic partnership, other than
annulment, with children of that domestic
Dissolution of Domestic Partnership–
With No Children--Petition to terminate a
domestic partnership, other than
annulment, with no children of that
domestic partnership.
Foreign Judgment--A judgment, decree,
or order of a court of the United States, or
any state or territory, which is entitled to
full faith and credit in this state.
Invalidity–Domestic Partnership-Petition to invalidate a domestic
Legal Separation--Petition to live
separate and apart.
Legal Separation-Domestic
Partnership -- Petition to live separate
and apart in a domestic partnership.
Mandatory Wage Assignment--Petition
for wage assignment.
Modification--Petition seeking
amendment of a previous order or decree.
Modification: Support Only--Petition
seeking amendment of a previous order or
decree regarding support.
Out-of-State Custody--Recording
custody established out-of-state.
Parenting Plan/Child Support—Petition
for Residential Schedule/Parenting
Plan/Child Support in circumstances set
forth in RCW 26.26.375.
Reciprocal, Respondent-in-CountyPetition to enforce orders between states
under URESA for respondents in the
Reciprocal, Respondent-Out-of-County-Petition to enforce orders between states
under URESA for respondents out of the
Case Types 3 - 6
Confidential Name Change--Petition for
name change, when domestic
violence/antiharassment issues require
Alcohol/Drug Treatment--Petition for
involuntary treatment for one who is
incapacitated by alcohol or drugs.
Mental Illness--Adult--Petition for
involuntary treatment for an adult who is
incapacitated by mental illness.
Mental Illness--Juvenile--Petition for
involuntary treatment for a juvenile who is
incapacitated by mental illness.
Mental Illness–Other Venue--Petition to
modify or revoke a Less Restrictive
Alternative originally issued in another
Adoption--Petition to establish a new,
permanent relationship of parent and child
not having that relationship.
Confidential Intermediary--Petition to
appoint a confidential intermediary to
contact the adopted person(s), birth
parent(s), or other relative(s).
Initial Pre-Placement --An initial
pre-placement report filed on a child by the
DSHS prior to the filing of adoption papers.
Modification--Petition seeking amendment
of a previous order or decree.
Paternity --Petition to determine the legal
status of an alleged biological father.
Paternity/URESA/UIFSA --Petition to
determine the legal status of an alleged
biological father which is filed in
conjunction with the reciprocal report
entered under the URESA or UIFSA acts.
Relinquishment--Petition to relinquish a
child to DSHS, an agency, or a prospective
adoptive parent.
(Title 26) Termination of Parent-Child
Relationship--Petition to terminate a
parent-child relationship when parent has
not executed a written consent.
Absentee--Petition to determine the
location of absent owner of real or personal
Disclaimer--Recording a written
instrument disclaiming an interest by
Estate--Petition seeking court settlement of
a deceased person's property.
Foreign Will--Filing of a will for probate
that has been proved in another state,
territory, or foreign country.
Guardianship--Petition to appoint a
guardian over a person and estate to
manage the affairs of an incompetent or
non-resident person.
Guardianship/Estate--Petition seeking
court settlement for the property of a
deceased person who was the ward of a
Guardianship of the Estate – Petition
to appoint a guardian over the estate to
manage the affairs of an incompetent or
non-resident person.
Guardianship of the Person – Petition
to appoint a guardian over a person to
manage the affairs of an incompetent or
non-resident person.
Limited Guardianship--Petition to
appoint a limited guardian with only
partial responsibility for the ward's
person and property, where the ward is
not fully incompetent.
Limited Guardianship of the Estate-Petition to appoint a limited guardian with
only partial responsibility for the
person’s property, where the ward is not
fully incompetent.
Limited Guardianship of the Person-Petition to appoint a limited guardian with
only partial responsibility for the person,
where the ward is not fully incompetent.
Minor Guardianship--Petition is based
solely on the underage status of the
Minor Settlements--Petition for a court
decision that an award to a minor is
appropriate when letters of guardianship
are required (e.g., net settlement value is
greater than $25,000).
Non-Probate Notice to Creditors--The
filing of a non-probate notice to creditors
in a case in which no probate action is
expected (e.g., an estate with a living
trust which does not require probate,
providing the heirs with an opportunity to
start the time period for creditor filing of
Sealed Will Repository – Filing a will
under seal before a testator’s death, as
authorized by RCW 11.12.265.
Trust/Estate Dispute Resolution – The
filing of a dispute in any estate,
guardianship, or trust.
Trust-- A case filed, by order, separately
from a guardianship or probate case.
Will Only--Filing a will when no further
action shall be taken.
Last Revised: 2/11/11
American LegalNet, Inc.