Notice To Set For Trial Family Law Court
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Notice To Set For Trial Family Law Court Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Clark Local County.
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Tags: Notice To Set For Trial Family Law Court, Washington Local County, Clark
NOTICE TO SET FOR TRI A L FAMILY LAW COURT 226 PAGE 1 Petitioner, vs. Respondent. Cause No. NOTICE TO SET FOR TRIAL FAMILY LAW COURT Assigned Judge TO THE CLERK, SUPERIOR COURT ADMINISTRATION AND ALL ATTORNEYS AND PARTIES: 1.1 Type of Case: . 1.2 Trial time needed: Hours or 1.3 [ ] This matter can be set for trial and a settlement conference will not be scheduled: [ ] The parties have participated in a good faith mediation in accordance with LR 40(b)(7). The mediation was held on . 1.4 Trial/Settlement Conference Setting Considerations 226 list all dates NOT available: . American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE TO SET FOR TRI A L FAMILY LAW COURT 226 PAGE 2 CERTIFICATE OF READINESS The undersigned certifies that: 2.1 An Answer/Response to Petition was filed on . 2.2 All discovery has been or will be completed either before any settlement conference or before trial if a settlement conference will not be held in accordance with paragraph 1.3. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE COURT MAY IMPOSE TERMS AND SANCTIONS UPON A PARTY OR COUNSEL WHO IS NOT PREPARED TO PROCEED TO SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE OR TRIAL ON THE ASSIGNED DATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL RULE 40(b)(5) AND CIVIL RULE 40 (d) and (e). Date: Attorney for: Signature: WSBA #: Name: NEATLY PRINT NAMES, ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES OF ALL ATTORNEYS AND/OR SELF REPRESNTED LITIGANTS: Name: Name: Attorney for: Attorney for: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Name: Name: Attorney for: Attorney for: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Name: Name: Attorney for: Attorney for: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Instructions: 3.1 All parties must be served with a copy of this Notice to Set for Trial. 3.2 The original Notice must be filed with the Superior Court County Clerk. 3.3 Copies of the Notice must be provided to both Superior Court Administration and the assigned judicial department. American LegalNet, Inc.