Waiver Of Attendance Of Represented Defendant
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Waiver Of Attendance Of Represented Defendant Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Island Local County.
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Tags: Waiver Of Attendance Of Represented Defendant, Washington Local County, Island
ISLAND COUNTY DISTRICT COURT OAK HARBOR MUNICIPAL COURT COUPEVILLE MUNICIPAL COURT LANGLEY MUNICIPAL COURT , Plaintiff, vs. , Defendant ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. WAIVER OF ATTENDANCE OF REPRESENTED DEFENDANT COMES NOW the above named Defendant, by and through counsel of record, , and does hereby submit the Waiver of Attendance for the hearing on . Dated this day of , 20. Attorney for Defendant DECLARATION OF DEFENDANT 1. I am the defendant in the above-entitled matter. 2. I understand that I have a right to be present at all court proceedings involving my case. 3. I understand that I have a right to have hearings set to a date certain by the court and be notified of those dates by the court. 4. I am represented by the above named attorney who is presenting this Waiver to the court. 5. I do hereby waive my right to be present at any pretrial hearings, readiness hearings, trial assignment hearings or other hearings on various motions which may be brought before the court. 6. I do further waive the right to have hearings set to a date certain by the court and be notified by the court of those future dates. By waiving this right, I fully understand that it will be the responsibility of my attorney to keep me informed of any court dates which my attendance is required, such as any trial dates. I understand that a failure of my attorney to keep me informed of any hearing dates where my presence is required, could result in a warrant being issued for my arrest. 7. I also understand that I have a continuing obligation to my attorney to keep my attorney at all times informed of my mailing address and telephone numbers where I may be reached. I declare under penalties of perjury under the Laws of the State of Washington that I have read the forgoing Declaration and that the contents thereof are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and information. Dated this day of , 20. Defendant American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com