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Assigned Judge: Trial Date: SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON KING COUNTY CAUSE NO. Plaintiff/Petitioner v. Defendant/Respondent JOINT CONFIRMATION REGARDING TRIAL READINESS [CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED] DUE DATE: The parties jointly represent that they have conferred regarding the following information, are aware of all deadlines and requirements in the Pretrial Order, and certify the following to the Court regarding trial readiness. If parties are unable to confirm jointly each party is required to file a separate confirmation. A. All parties are are not represented by counsel. If any party is not represented by counsel, state that party's name, current mailing address, and telephone number. NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EMAIL: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (____)____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. B. C. This trial is a jury/ non-jury trial. It is estimated, based upon a maximum of 5 trial hours per day that this trial will last ____________ days. D. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) with a neutral third party WAS accomplished: Yes No If ADR with a neutral third party WAS NOT accomplished, you must provide a detailed explanation and identify what arrangements have been made to complete ADR before trial. Counsel/party(ies) may be sanctioned for failure to comply with this requirement. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ E. Interpreter(s): No Yes Language: ______________________ Interpreter(s) requested for: (party/witness): _________________________ Interpreter(s) arranged by: ______________________________ Expert(s): Out of town parties: Out of town witnesses F. OTHER: OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. CR 16 CONFERENCE: Any party may file a motion for a CR 16 Conference with the assigned Judge. 2. TRIAL WEEK AVAILABILITY : If counsel has another trial scheduled at the same time, identify name, cause number, venue of case, and dates of trial. Unusual problems scheduling witnesses should be noted. Yes No Yes Yes Expert(s) Out of town: No No Yes No American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE: Cases otherwise ready may be held on standby status during the week trial is scheduled to start. Counsel must be within two hours of the designated courthouse while on standby. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ NOTE: It is the responsibility of the parties to arrange for necessary trial equipment. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner WSBA# ________________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner WSBA# ________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant/Respondent WSBA# ________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant/Respondent WSBA# __________________ DATE _________________ DATE __________________ DATE _____________________ DATE ORIGINAL: CLERK'S OFFICE BENCH COPY: ASSIGNED JUDGE REVISED : 9/27/2010 American LegalNet, Inc.