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Attorneys Certificate Of Compliance Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
Tags: Attorneys Certificate Of Compliance, Washington Local County, King
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING In re the Marriage of: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. and Petitioner ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (LFLR 5) (CRTC) Respondent This form must be filled out when presenting in the Ex Parte Department a final parenting plan and/or any final family law decree (whether it be dissolution of marriage, legal separation, invalidity, parentage or residential schedule). A separate form must be used when entering a nonparental custody decree. The undersigned is an attorney of record for a party in this proceeding, and offers this document for the court to rely upon in the entry of the final papers. I certify that the following is true and correct upon penalty of perjury according to the laws of the State of Washington, at King County. I have reviewed the court file in this case or have personal knowledge that each relevant requirement has been checked and complied with: 1. This case has not been assigned a UFS/UFK designation and has not been accepted by the Unified Family Court for case management. (If so, the final papers must be presented to the assigned trial judge unless counsel presents information to indicate that the trial judge has directed final papers to be entered in the Ex Parte Department.) If this is a dissolution action, more than 90 days have elapsed from the later of the filing of the case and of service of it or joinder in it by the adverse party. If more than one year has elapsed since the time of service of the summons and petition, the adverse party has been given notice of entry of these papers in accord with CR 55(f). 2. 3. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE � 09/06 - CRTC American LegalNet, Inc. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The petition has been verified by the petitioner. If this is a default case, the Findings and Decree do not exceed the prayer of the petition. If a Separation Agreement has been signed, the original is on file or presented herewith. If this case has been dismissed, an Order Vacating Dismissal has been entered or is presented herewith. If either of the parties is or have been on public assistance during the pendency of the action, the final papers have been approved by the deputy prosecuting attorney. Proof of service by Affidavit, Declaration or Return, Acceptance of Service, or Joinder to Petition is on file. If service was made on the respondent by mail, this was done after any entry of an order authorizing the same, and the mailing was not completed by the petitioner. If the final papers are being entered by default, an Order of Default has been filed or is being presented herewith. All of the minor children of either party are listed in the Findings. For minor children of the relationship, a Final Parenting Plan and Order of Child Support (with signed Child Support Worksheets) have been filed or are being presented herewith. Certificate(s) completion of Parenting Plan filed/attached or being presented herewith. seminar have been 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. If No. 14 not checked, explain: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 15. Dated: If a CASA or GAL has been appointed in this case, they have signed the final papers. Signature: Printed Name: Attorney for: Bar Association No. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE � 09/06 - CRTC American LegalNet, Inc.