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Case Assignment Designation And Case Information Cover Sheet Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
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KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE ASSIGNMENT AREA DESIGNATION and CASE INFORMATION COVER SHEET (CICS) Pursuant to King County Code 4A.630.060, a faulty document fee of $15 may be assessed to new case filings missing this sheet. CASE NUMBER: (Provided by the Clerk) CASE CAPTION: (New case: Print name of person starting case vs. name of person or agency you are filing against.) (When filing into an existing family law case, the case caption remains the same as the original filing.) Please mark one of the boxes below: Seattle Area, defined as: All of King County north of Interstate 90 and including all of the Interstate 90 right-of-way; all the cities of Seattle, Mercer Island, Bellevue, Issaquah and North Bend; and all of Vashon and Maury Islands. Kent Area, defined as: All of King County south of Interstate 90 except those areas included in the Seattle Case Assignment Area. I certify that this case meets the case assignment criteria, described in King County LCR 82(e). Signature of Attorney WSBA Number Date or Signature of person who is starting case Date Address, City, State, Zip Code of person who is starting case if not represented by attorney American LegalNet, Inc. Civil-CICS Revised 11/2018 KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE ASSIGNMENT AREA DESIGNATION and CASE INFORMATION COVER SHEET CIVIL Please check the category that best describes this case. APPEAL/REVIEW Administrative Law Review (ALR 2)* ( Petition to the Superior C ourt for review of rulings made by state administrative agencies.( e.g. DSHS Child Support, Good to Go passes, denial of benefits from Employment Security, DSHS, L & I) ) DOL Revocation ( DOL 2)* ( Appeal of a DOL revocation Implied consent - Test refusal ONLY.) RCW 46.20.308(9) Subdivision Election Process Review (SER 2)* (Intent to challenge election process) Voter Election Process Law Review (VEP 2)* (Complaint for violation of voting rights act) Petition to Appeal/Amend Ballot Title (BAT 2) CONTRACT/COMMERCIAL Breach of Contract (COM 2)* ( Complaint involving mone y dispute where a breach of contract is involved .) Commercial Contract (COM 2)* (Complaint involving money dispute where a contract is involved. ) Commercial Non - Contract (COL 2)* (Complaint involving money dispute where no contract is involved. ) Third Party Collection (COL 2)* ( Complaint involvi ng a third party over a money dispute where no contract is involved .) JUDGMENT Abstract, Judgment, Another County (ABJ 2) ( A certified copy of a judgment docket from another Superior C ourt within the state. ) Confession of Judgment (CFJ 2 )* ( The entry of a judgment when a defendant admits liability and accepts the amount of agreed - upon damages but does not pay or perform as agreed upon. ) Foreign Judgment (from another State or Country) (FJU 2) ( Any judgment, decree, or order of a court of the United States, or of any state or territory, which is entitled to full faith and credit in this state. ) Tax Warrant or Warrant (TAX 2) ( A notice of assessment by a state agency or self - insured company creating a judgment/lien in the county in which it is filed.) Transcript of Judgment (TRJ 2) ( A certified copy of a judgment from a court of limited jurisdiction (e.g. Dis trict or Municipal court) to a Superior C ourt. ) PROPERTY RIGHTS Condemnation/Eminent Domain (CON 2)* ( Complaint involving governmental taking of private property with payment, but not necessarily with consent. ) American LegalNet, Inc. Civil-CICS Revised 11/2018 Foreclosure (FOR 2)* ( Complaint involving termination of ownership rights when a mortgage or tax foreclosure is involved, where ownership is not in question. ) Land Use Petition (LUP 2)* ( Petition for an expedited judicial review of a land use decisi on made by a local jurisdiction.) RCW 36.70C.040 Property Fairness Act (PFA 2)* ( Complaint involving the regulation of private property or restraint of land use by a government entity brought forth by Title 64.) Quiet Tit le (QTI 2)* ( Complaint involving the ownership, use, or disposition of land or real estate other than foreclosure. ) Residential Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (UND 2) ( Complaint involving the unjustifiable retention of lands or attachments to land, including water and mineral rights. ) Non - Residential Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (UND 2) ( Commercial property eviction. ) OTHER COMPLAINT/PETITION Action to Compel/Confirm Private Binding Arbitration (CAA 2) ( Petition to force or confirm private binding arbitration .) Assurance of Discontinuance (MSC 2) businesses from engaging in improper or misleading practices.) Birth Certificate Change(PBC 2) (Petition to amend birth certificate) Bond Justification (PBJ 2) ( Bail bond company desiring to transact surety bail bo nds in King County facilities.) Change of Name (CHN 5) ( Petition for name change, when domestic violence/anti - harassment issues require confidentiality. ) Certificate of Rehabilitation (CRR 2) (Petition to restore civil and political rights.) Certificate of Restoration Opportunity (CRP 2) (Establishes eligibility requirements for certain professional licenses) Civil Commitment (sexual predator) (PCC 2) ( Petition to detain an individual involuntarily. ) Notice of Deposit of Surplus Funds ( DSF 2) ( Deposit of extra money from a foreclos ure after payment of expenses from sale and obligati on secured by the deed of trust.) Emancipation of Minor (EOM 2) ( Petition by a minor for a declaration of emancipation. ) Foreign Subpo ena (OSS 2) ( To subpoena a King County resident or e ntity for an out of state case.) Foreign Protection Order (FPO 2) (Registering out of state protection order) Frivolous Claim of Lien (FVL 2) ( Petition or Motion requesting a determination that a lien against a mechanic or materialm an is excessive or unwarranted.) Application for Health & Safety Inspection (HSI 2) American LegalNet, Inc. Civil-CICS Revised 11/2018 Injunction (INJ 2)* ( Complaint/petition to require a person to do or refrain from doing a particular thing .) Interpleader (IPL 2) ( Petition for the deposit of disputed earnest money from real estate, insurance proceeds, and/or other transaction(s) .) Malicious Harassment (MHA 2) * ( Suit involving damages resulting from malicious harassment. ) RCW 9a.36.080 Non - Judicial Filing (MSC 2) ( See probate section for TEDRA agreements. To file for the record document(s) unrelated to any other proceeding and where the re will be no judicial review.) Other Complaint/Petition (MSC 2)* ( Filing a Complaint/Petition fo r a cause of action not listed) Minor Work Permit (MWP 2) (Petition for a child under 14 years of age to be employed) Perpetuation of Testimony (PPT 2) ( Action f iled under CR 27) Petition to Remove Restricted Covenant (MSC 2) Declaratory judgment action to strike discriminatory provision of real property contract. Public records Act (PRA 2)* (Action filed under RCW 42.56) Receivership (RCV 2) ( The process of appointment by a court of a receiver to take custody of the property, business, rents and profits of a party to a lawsuit pending a final decision on disbursement or an agreement .) Relief from Duty to Register (RDR 2) ( Petition seeking to st op the requirement to register.) Restoration of Firearm Rights (RFR 2) ( Petition seeking restoration of firearms rights under RCW 9.41.040 and 9.41.047. ) School District - Required Action Plan (SDR 2) ( Petition filed requesting court selection of a required action plan proposal relating to school academic performance.) Seizure of Property from the Commission of a Crime - Seattle (SPC 2)* ( Seizure of personal property which was employed in aiding, abetting, or commission of a crime, from a defendant after conviction. ) Seizure of Property Resulting from a Crime - Seattle (SPR 2)* ( Seizure of tangible or intangible property which is the direct or indirect result of a crime, from a defendant following criminal conviction. ( e.g., remuneration for, or contract interest in, a d epiction or account of a crime.)) Stru ctured Settlements - Seattle (TSS 2) ( A financial or insurance arrangement whereby a claimant agrees to resolve a personal injury t