Certificate Of Settlement Without Dismissal Arbitration
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Certificate Of Settlement Without Dismissal Arbitration Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
Tags: Certificate Of Settlement Without Dismissal Arbitration, Washington Local County, King
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY Plaintiff(s), vs. NO. CERTIFICATE OF SETTLEMENT WITHOUT DISMISSAL -- ARBITRATION (CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED-CRSD) Defendant(s). 1.1 2.1 I. BASIS Within 30 days of filing of the Notice of Settlement of all Claims required by King County Local Rules for Mandatory Arbitration 4.4(a), the parties to the action may file a Certificate of Settlement without Dismissal with the Clerk of the Superior Court. II. CERTIFICATE The undersigned counsel for all parties certify that all claims have been resolved by the parties. The resolution has been reduced to writing and signed by every party and every attorney. Solely for the purpose of enforcing the settlement agreement, the Court is asked to not dismiss this action. The original of the settlement agreement is in the custody of: ____________________________________ at: ____________________________________. 2.2 2.3 DATED: No further court action shall be permitted except enforcement of the settlement agreement. The parties contemplate that the final dismissal of this action will be appropriate as of: _____________________ III. SIGNATURES _______________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner WSBA #: _______________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner WSBA #:_________ _________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant/Respondent WSBA #: _________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant/Respondent WSBA #:________ IV. NOTICE The e-filing of this Certificate of Settlement Without Dismissal with the Clerk automatically cancels any pending due dates of the Case Schedule for this action, including the scheduled hearing date __________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SETTLEMENT WITHOUT DISMISSAL PAGE 1 OF 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com