Confirmation Of Joinder Of Parties Claims And Defenses
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Confirmation Of Joinder Of Parties Claims And Defenses Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
Tags: Confirmation Of Joinder Of Parties Claims And Defenses, Washington Local County, King
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. I. NO. CONFIRMATION OF JOINDER OF PARTIES, CLAIMS, AND DEFENSES (CJ) (Clerk's Action Required) [ ] The Plaintiff(s)/petitioner(s) make the following representations: 1. This case is not subject to mandatory arbitration. [If it is, this report should not be filed; instead, no later than the deadline for filing this report, a statement of arbitrability should be filed, pursuant to LMAR 2.1(a).] 2. All parties have been served or have waived service. 3. All mandatory pleadings have been filed. II. [ ] Plaintiff(s)/petitioner(s) do not make the foregoing representations because (if appropriate, check both the box at left and every applicable box below.) The Court may set a hearing. [] [] [] This case is subject to mandatory arbitration, but not ready yet for the Statement of Arbitrability to be filed. A party remains to be served. A mandatory pleading remains to be filed. [ ] Other explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ DATED: ___________ SIGNED_____________________________________________ Plaintiff/Petitioner/Attorney (If attorney WSBA#_________) Typed Name:_________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Attorney(s) For:________________________________________________________________ CONFIRMATION OF JOINDER OF PARTIES, CLAIMS, AND DEFENSES 10/2016 Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.