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Designation Of Clerks Papers Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
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Tags: Designation Of Clerks Papers, Washington Local County, King
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING KING COUNTY NO.: COURT OF APPEALS NO.: SUPREME COURT NO.: Plaintiff/Petitioner, THIS IS SUPPLEMENTAL [ ] YES [ ] NO vs., DESIGNATION OF CLERKS PAPERS (Clerks Action Required) Defendant/Respondent. SCOMIS CODE: DSGCKP For each sub number requested the full document will be prepared. You are encouraged to designate only documents in support of the issues presented to the Court (RAP 9.6.). For the Clerk to prepare the Index, this designation must contain adequate information. Any designation lacking the required information shall be returned to the requestor with a cover letter identifying the defects. I understand that upon receipt of acceptable payment the Clerk will transmit the Clerks Papers to the appropriate Court. I agree to pay the amount owed within 14 days of receiving a copy of the index, regardless of the status of the appeal. Signed: _______________________________________________________________________ Printed Name:__________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________ Telephone (with area code)________________________________________________________ Attorney For:/ WSBA#_________________________________________________________ DESIGNATION OF CLERKS PAPERS RAP 9.7(a) PAGE 1 OF 2 H:web95forms3 inchDESIG.DOC 1-21-03 >>>> 2 Sub Number Title of Document Date of Filing DESIGNATION OF CLERKS PAPERS RAP 9.7(a) PAGE 2 OF 2