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Order Approving Guardians Report Accounting Personal Care Plan And Budget Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
Tags: Order Approving Guardians Report Accounting Personal Care Plan And Budget, 21, Washington Local County, King
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING In the Guardianship of: ______________________________, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No.: ORDER APPROVING GUARDIAN'S REPORT, ACCOUNTING, PERSONAL CARE PLAN AND BUDGET (ORAPRT) (CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED Paragraph 2.4, 2.5,2.6, 2.7) An Incapacitated Person. GUARDIANSHIP SUMMARY Date Guardian Appointed: Due Date for Report and Accounting: Date of Next Review: Letters Expire On (150 days following the end of the next reporting period): Bond Amount: Restricted Account Agreements Required: ORDER APPROVING GUARDIAN'S REPORT, ACCOUNTING, PERSONAL CARE PLAN AND BUDGET - 1 10/2012 REVISED GUARDIANSHIP FORMS Incapacitated Person (IP) Name: Address: Phone: Facsimile: E-mail Address: Relationship of Guardian (s) to IP: Guardian of [ ] Estate [ ] Person Name: Address: Phone: Facsimile: E-mail Address Standby Guardian Address Relation to IP Interested Parties Address Relation to IP ORDER APPROVING GUARDIAN'S REPORT, ACCOUNTING, PERSONAL CARE PLAN AND BUDGET - 2 10/2012 REVISED GUARDIANSHIP FORMS FINDINGS OF FACT 1.1. The facts alleged in the Guardian's Petition for Approval of Budget, Disbursements, and Personal Care Plan, the Guardian's Report and Accounting and all the attachments thereto, and the Guardian's Personal Care Plan and all the attachments thereto are true and include all of the facts necessary to give this court jurisdiction over this matter and the parties. 1.2. All acts required of the Guardian to date have been performed. 1.3. Notice has been properly provided to persons entitled to notice of this presentation. ORDER Having reviewed the Guardian's Report, Accounting, and Budget, the Court now orders: 2.1 The Guardian's Report, Accounting, and Budget is approved; 2.2 The Guardian shall provide the next Report and Accounting for the [ ] 12, [ ] 24 or [ ] 36 month period from the anniversary date of the appointment of guardian; and the Report, Accounting, and Proposed Budget shall be presented to the Court for review and approval within 90 days following the conclusion of that reporting period; 2.3 The Guardian fees of $_____________, attorney fees of $_____________ and costs of $_____________ are found to be reasonable, necessary, and are approved for payment by the Guardian from the assets of the guardianship estate; 2.4 Bond in the current amount of $_____________ [ changed to $_____________; and 2.5The Clerk of the Court is authorized to reissue [ ] Full [ ] Limited Letters of Guardianship of the Person to (name of guardian(s) _______________________________. to be valid until 150 days following the end of the next reporting period. 2.6 The Clerk of the Court is authorized to reissue [ ] Full [ ] Limited Letters of Guardianship of the Estate to (name of guardian(s)_____________________________________ to be valid until 150 days following the end of the next reporting period. 2.7 Other: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. . ORDER APPROVING GUARDIAN'S REPORT, ACCOUNTING, PERSONAL CARE PLAN AND BUDGET - 3 10/2012 REVISED GUARDIANSHIP FORMS ] remains the same or [ ] is DATED AND SIGNED IN OPEN COURT THIS ___DAY OF _________, 20___. Judge/Court Commissioner Presented by: Signature Address City, State, Zip Code Printed Name Telephone/Fax Number Email Address ORDER APPROVING GUARDIAN'S REPORT, ACCOUNTING, PERSONAL CARE PLAN AND BUDGET - 4 10/2012 REVISED GUARDIANSHIP FORMS