Request For Trial De Novo And For Clerk To Seal Arbitration Award
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Request For Trial De Novo And For Clerk To Seal Arbitration Award Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
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Tags: Request For Trial De Novo And For Clerk To Seal Arbitration Award, Washington Local County, King
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO - (03/13/2019) PAGE 1 OF 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING Plaintiff(s), vs. Defendant(s). NO. REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO AND FOR CLERK TO SEAL ARBITRATION AWARD (RTDNSA) (Clerk's Action Required) Please take notice that the aggrieved party , requests a Trial De Novo from the award filed , 20. 1. A Trial De Novo is requested in this case pursuant to MAR 7.1 and LMAR 7.1. 2. The Arbitration Award shall be sealed pursuant to LMAR 7.1 and 7.2. 3. Filing fee of $400.00 is attached 4. Pursuant to LMAR 7.1(b), a Jury Demand [ ] IS being filed and served upon all parties at the same time as the filing of this Request for Trial De Novo by the undersigned as the aggrieved party. [ ] IS NOT being filed by the aggrieved party. The non-aggrieved party has fourteen (14) calendar days from date of service of request for Trial De Novo to file a jury demand. THE REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO SHALL NOT REFER TO THE AMOUNT OF THE AWARD. DO NOT ATTACH A COPY OF THE AWARD Dated: , 20 Signed: WSBA# Attorney for: Typed Name: FILE, TOGETHER WITH PROOF OF SERVICE, WITH THE CASHIER222S SECTION IN THE CLERK222S OFFICE, KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE OR KENT REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER. SERVE COPIES ON ALL PARTIES AND ARBITRATION DEPARTMENT, ROOM E-219, KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 516 THIRD AVENUE, SEATTLE, WA 98104. American LegalNet, Inc. REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO - (03/13/2019) PAGE 2 OF 2 IMPORTANT: NOTICE TO PARTIES The Court will assign an accelerated trial date. A request for trial may include a request for assignment of a particular trial date or dates, PROVIDED that the date or dates requested have been agreed upon by all parties and are between 60 and 120 days from the date the Request for Trial De Novo is filed. (Agreed date: ) For cases originally governed by KCLCR 4, the Court will mail to all parties a Notice of Trial Date together with an Amended Case Schedule, which will govern the case until the Trial De Novo. TYPE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL ATTORNEYS American LegalNet, Inc.