Note For Settlement Conference Or Support Modification Hearing And Trial Setting
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Note For Settlement Conference Or Support Modification Hearing And Trial Setting Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Kitsap Local County.
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Tags: Note For Settlement Conference Or Support Modification Hearing And Trial Setting, Washington Local County, Kitsap
Exhibit C Superior Court of Washington County of Kitsap No. ______________________________ ____________________________ ______, Petitioner, NOTE FOR SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE OR SUPPORT MODIFICATION HEARING AND TRIAL SETTING DOMESTIC RELATIONS TRACK III (NTC) vs. _______________________________ ___, Respondent. TO COURT SCHEDULER AND OPPOSING COUNSEL: Please take notice this case will be placed on the setting docket for assignment on the _______ day of ____________________, 20_____ at 9:00 a.m. 1 SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE: A. Nature of Issues Property Division Custody Debt Division Parenting Plan Maintenance Visitation Other: _________________________________________________________ B. Preferred Settlement Conference dates within 45 days from this note: C. Dates unavailable for settlement conference: D. Settlement conferences are mandatory in all domestic relations cases except support modifications. E. All parties must attend and be prepared to seriously negotiate settlement. 2. SUPPORT MODIFICATIONS: A. Preferred Support Modification hearing dates within 60 days from this note: B. Dates unavailable for Support Modification hearing: Kitsap County Superior Court Local Rules-Exhibit C Amended 6/21/11; effective 9/1/11 American LegalNet, Inc. 3. CHECK APPROPRIATE SQUARE: I have contacted by telephone or mail opposing counsel/party/guardian ad litem who agrees the settlement conference/support modification may be set anytime after (date) I have contacted the opposing counsel/party/guardian ad litem by telephone or mail and have received no response or no agreement on hearing dates. The Court is requested to set the hearing/settlement conference date. No contact has been made with opposing counsel/party/guardian ad litem, but all have been served with a copy of this notice in time to allow a response within 10 days. The Court will set the hearing/settlement conference date. I hereby represent to the Court that this case is at issue. If the case is not settled at the pre-trial conference, the Court is requested to assign a trial date. . DATED:______________________ Signed: Lawyer for: Address: Telephone: Names, addresses and telephone numbers of other attorneys or pro se parties and guardian ad litem in this case: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Telephone: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Telephone: Name: Lawyer for: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Kitsap County Superior Court Local Rules-Exhibit C Amended 6/21/11; effective 9/1/11 American LegalNet, Inc.