Order Re Guardian Ad Litem Fees
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Order Re Guardian Ad Litem Fees Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Kitsap Local County.
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Tags: Order Re Guardian Ad Litem Fees, Washington Local County, Kitsap
Superior Court of Washington County of Kitsap SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KITSAP COUNTY In re the Guardianship of : No. ORDER RE GUARDIAN AD LITEM FEES The Court finds that the Guardian ad Litem fees herein are reasonable and should be granted. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that fees in the amount of $____________ and costs in the amount of $____________ shall be paid to __________________________________ by Kitsap County, Washington, for services in the above cited case. Dated: __________________, 20____ ___________________________________ JUDGE/COURT COMMISSIONER Presented By: ________________________________ Attached is Affidavit of Fees. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ORDER RE GUARDIAN AD LITEM FEES . . 1