Order Setting Trial Date And Civil Case Event Schedule
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Order Setting Trial Date And Civil Case Event Schedule Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Kitsap Local County.
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Tags: Order Setting Trial Date And Civil Case Event Schedule, Washington Local County, Kitsap
Superior Court of Washington County of Kitsap _____________________________________, Plaintiff(s), v. _____________________________________, Defendant(s). This case shall be heard on the following dates: TRIAL DATE: TIME: TRIAL LENGTH: JURY: 12 6 Nonjury NATURE OF CASE: JUDGE ASSIGNED: NOTE: IF YOUR CASE IS PUT ON STANDBY, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE IN COURT ON TWO HOURS NOTICE. COUNSEL ARE REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT IN THE TRIAL COURTROOM AT 8:45 A.M. ON THE FIRST DAY OF TRIAL. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties and their respective counsel shall comply with the following schedule, and that Sanctions, including but not limited to those set forth in the Local Court Rules may be imposed for noncompliance. Last Day to File Motions to Join Parties Last Day to COMPLETE All Discovery, including Responses and Supplements (KCLCR 40[b][6][A][viii]) NO. ______________________ ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE AND CIVIL CASE EVENT SCHEDULE Pursuant to KCLCR 40(b)(6)(A)(ii) (ORSTD/ORSCS/__________/ORACS) PLEASE SEE LCR 40(b)(4) RE: STANDBY OTHER: DATE: TIME: LENGTH: Last Day for Hearing Dispositive Pretrial Motions Mandatory Settlement Conference Date Time: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE REQUIREMENTS: At least five (5) court days prior to the Settlement Conference, all parties and counsel shall serve a complete Memorandum for Settlement upon the other party and provide the original for the Settlement Conference Judge. The parties shall, in all cases, be present, unless excused by the Court for good cause shown. Parties whose defense is provided by a liability insurance company shall personally attend said settlement conference and a representative of the insurer of said parties shall attend or be available by telephone, with sufficient authority to bind the insurer to a settlement. SETTLEMENT CONFERENCES ARE MANDATORY AND MUST BE CONFIRMED NO LATER THAN NOON THE COURT DAY BEFORE THE CONFERENCE AT 360-337-7140 OR SUPCOURTCONFIRM@CO.KITSAP.WA.US. PARTIES MUST BE PREPARED TO SERIOUSLY NEGOTIATE SETTLEMENT. DATED: HONORABLE ___________________________ COPIES MAILED: ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE AND CIVIL CASE EVENT SCHEDULE . . 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com