Third Party Custody Checklist For Scope Of GAL-PI Investigation
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Third Party Custody Checklist For Scope Of GAL-PI Investigation Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Pierce Local County.
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Tags: Third Party Custody Checklist For Scope Of GAL-PI Investigation, Washington Local County, Pierce
Name: ____________________________________ Cause No. CHECKLIST FOR SCOPE OF GAL/PI INVESTIGATION ____________________ THIRD PARTY CUSTODY 1. Does the Third Party Petitioner have actual physical custody of the child? If the answer is no, go no further. 2. Which parent had physical custody of the child prior to the Third Party Petition? Is that parent now unfit? If the answer is no, go no farther. If unfit, how? (Please identify if mother or father is the custodial parent) 3. Is the noncustodial parent unfit? If the noncustodial parent is fit, go no farther, If unfit, how? 4. What is the relationship of the Petitioner to the child? 5. Background check on Petitioner: WSP/Criminal History: CPS/DSHS: LINX: American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Any other member of the household over 16 years of age: Name: DOB: WSP/Criminal History: CPS/DSHS: LINX: Name: DOB: WSP/Criminal History: CPS/DSHS: LINX: Name: DOB: WSP/Criminal History: CPS/DSHS: LINX: 7. Do you need to investigate further? Briefly explain how you intend to investigate the identified issues and the expected tune required. American LegalNet, Inc. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Name: (please print) ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Place: ____________________________ Guardian Ad Litem/Parenting Investigator F:\Word_Excel\Guardians ad Litem\Forms\3rd Party Custody Checklist.doc American LegalNet, Inc.