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Note For Calendar Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Skagit Local County.
Tags: Note For Calendar, Washington Local County, Skagit
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SKAGIT COUNTY NO. Petitioner vs. NOTE FOR CALENDAR (self-represented parties) Respondent. TO: THE CLERK OF COURT and to OPPOSING ATTORNEY(S) or PARTY NOTE FOR CALENDAR Please note that the issue of law in this case will be heard on the date set out in the margin and the Clerk is requested to note the same on the motion calendar for that day. DOMESTIC Date & time of hearing:__________________ (hour) Nature of hearing:_____________________ ____________________________________ (A motion and declaration must also be filed) _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE FOR DISSOLUTION CALENDAR (For Non-Contested Final Decree) Date of hearing:_________________________ Please note this case on the non-contested dissolution calendar for hearing on the date Time of hearing:_________________________ set forth. _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE TO OTHER PARTIES (REQUIRED): PERSON NOTING THIS MATTER: Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ ________________________________________ (Use additional page for additional parties) Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone number: _________________________ CERTIFICATE OF MAILING: I certify, upon penalty of perjury in the State of Washington, that I mailed a copy of this document to the parties listed, postage prepaid on the ____ day of _____________________, 20_____. Signature: _______________________________________ Print Name: _________________________________ X:\Internal\SiteRoot\SuperiorCourt\Documents\Note for Calendar.doc American LegalNet, Inc.