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Calendar Note - Civil Motions - Judges Calendars Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Snohomish Local County.
Tags: Calendar Note - Civil Motions - Judges Calendars, Washington Local County, Snohomish
Superior Court of Washington County of Snohomish Case No. __________________________ Plaintiff/Petitioner(s) vs. CALENDAR NOTE: (NTC) CIVIL MOTIONS - JUDGES' CALENDARS Unless otherwise provided by applicable rule or statute, this form and the motion must be filed with the Clerk not less than five (5) court days preceding the date requested. Defendant/Respondent(s) **SEE "WHERE TO NOTE VARIOUS MATTERS" ON PAGE 2, to determine where matters are to be set. TO: The Clerk of Court: A. PRESIDING JUDGE'S CALENDAR Monday � Friday @ 9:00 a.m. Department as assigned Date Requested (mm/dd/yyyy): ________________________ Nature of Hearing: _________________________________ _________________________________________________ **Confirm hearing by calling (425) 388-3587 or online at B. JUDGE'S CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR Tuesday through Friday @ 9:30 a.m. Department as assigned Date Requested (mm/dd/yyyy): _______________________ Nature of Hearing: _________________________________ _________________________________________________ **Confirm hearing by calling (425) 388-3587 or online at C. JUDGE'S PERSONAL CALENDAR (Special set hearings to be heard by a specific Judge) Hearing date and time must be scheduled through the Judge's law clerk. See law clerk contact information on page 2. Date Requested (mm/dd/yyyy):________________________ Judge: _________________ Dept: _____________________ Nature of hearing: __________________________________ _________________________________________________ **Confirm hearing by calling the Judge's law clerk. See law clerk contact information on page 2 NOTE: When picking a hearing date, DO NOT schedule your hearing on a court holiday. A list of court holidays can be found at This calendar note must be filed with the Clerk not less than five (5) court days preceding the hearing date requested. WARNING! CONFIRMATION REQUIRED: In order for the matter to be heard, the moving party MUST CONFIRM their motion two (2) court days prior to the hearing BEFORE 12:00 noon by calling 425-388-3587 or online at For additional information see confirmations notes below. Failure to notify the Court of a continuance or strike of a confirmed matter may result in sanctions and/or terms. SCLCR 7. This form cannot be used for trial settings. SCLMAR 2.1 AND SCLCR 40(b). C:\Users\sbernstein\Downloads\Calendar Note-Judges Civil_201609281004471554.doc 8/19/2016 Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I hereby certify that a copy of this document and all documents listed on page 3 have been mailed to the attorneys/parties listed on page 3, postage prepaid on the: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Noted by: (Signature) (Printed name) WSBA# (Signature) (Printed name) Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se Respondent/Defendant WHERE TO NOTE VARIOUS MATTERS: For the most current information on where to calendar various matters see Administrative Order 11-12 which can be found online at COMMISSIONER CIVIL MOTIONS: The following are heard on the Court Commissioner's Civil Motion Calendar: Defaults, Discovery Motions and enforcement thereof; Supplemental Proceedings; Unlawful Detainer or Eviction & Receiver actions; Motions to Amend Pleadings and Petitions for Restoration of the Right to Possess Firearms. Probate and Guardianship matters are set on the Probate/Guardianship calendar. PRESIDING JUDGE'S MOTION CALENDAR: The following motions are heard on Presiding Judge's Motion Calendar: trial continuance, pre-assignment (heard without oral argument), expedited trial date, and motions regarding timeliness of demand for jury trial. RALJ HEARINGS: RALJ hearings are noted on the Wednesday morning criminal hearings calendar @ 10:30 a.m. in room C304. **All other civil motions are heard on the Judge's Civil Motions Calendar** SPECIAL SET/EXTENDED MOTIONS BEFORE A COMMISSIONER: Special Set/Extended motions are set by the Court Commissioner only, not by a party or by counsel. CONFIRMATIONS NOTES: All matters set on the Judge's Civil Motion Calendar, Presiding Judge's Motion Calendar or Court Commissioner Calendars must be confirmed no later than 12:00 noon two (2) court days prior to the hearing. Confirmations are accepted for a 24 hour period beginning at 12:01 p.m. three court days prior to the hearing date. When determining your confirmation deadline, do not count weekends or holidays. Confirmations can be made by calling 425-388-3587 or online at All matters specially set on a Judge's personal calendar must be set/confirmed/continued/stricken through the Judge's law clerk. Adoptions, reasonableness hearings and minor settlements are specially set on the Judge's Civil Motions calendar each Monday and are confirmed through the Civil Motions Judge's law clerk. Judge's calendar rotations and law clerk contact information is available online at or by calling Court Administration at 425-388-3421. Calendar Notes should be filed at: Snohomish County Superior Court Clerk's Office 3000 Rockefeller Ave M/S 605 Everett, WA 98201 All Motions Heard At: Snohomish County Superior Court 3000 Rockefeller Ave Everett, WA 98201 C:\Users\sbernstein\Downloads\Calendar Note-Judges Civil_201609281004471554.doc 8/19/2016 Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Please print the names, addresses etc. of all other attorneys in this case and/or all other parties requiring notice. Name: Address: WSBA#: Phone # Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se Name: Address: WSBA#: Phone # Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se Name: Address: WSBA#: Phone # Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se Name: Address: WSBA#: Phone # Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se Name: Address: WSBA#: Phone # Attorney for: (CHECK ONE) Petitioner/Plaintiff Pro Se List all documents mailed: Respondent/Defendant Ext. Respondent/Defendant Ext. Respondent/Defendant Ext. Respondent/Defendant Ext. Respondent/Defendant Ext. C:\Users\sbernstein\Downloads\Calendar Note-Judges Civil_201609281004471554.doc 8/19/2016 Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.