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Certificate Of Trial Confirmation Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Snohomish Local County.
Tags: Certificate Of Trial Confirmation, Washington Local County, Snohomish
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH Plaintiff/Petitioner vs. Defendant/Respondent No. CERTIFICATE OF TRIAL CONFIRMATION The undersigned, pursuant to SCLCR 40(c), certifies to the Court in good faith and upon present information and belief as follows: Family Law Cases Only: Pursuant to SCLSPR 94.04(g) (check one): [ ] Alternative dispute resolution has been completed. [ ] Alternative dispute resolution is not required for the following reason(s): ___________________________ [ ] Parenting Seminar has been completed by party(s) confirming for trial pursuant to SCLCR 94.04 (c)(5)(D). (1) The (Jury/Non-Jury) trial is set for the day of___________________________ , 20 , and it is requested that it be called for trial that day. (2) If a jury trial, the undersigned will: waive jury, stipulate to a 6 person jury. (3) The estimated length of trial is day(s). (4) Based upon settlement discussions or other information, the likelihood of the case going to trial on the date scheduled is: high / moderate / low. (5) The undersigned agree(s) to immediately advise the Court if the case is settled or otherwise disposed of prior to the trial date. Dated this day of___________________________, 20____. Attorney signature___________________________ Attorney for________________________________ Attorney signature____________________________ Attorney for_____________________________ Attorney signature______________________________ Attorney for___________________________________ Attorney signature______________________________ Attorney for___________________________________ WARNING: This certificate MUST be actually received by the Office of the Court Administrator two weeks preceding the week in which the case is set for trial but no later than 12:00 Noon of the last court day of that two week period. If no certificate is timely received for a case set for trial, it may be stricken from the trial calendar without further notice to the parties. Delays in the mail, messenger service, etc. or waiver by other party(s) WILL NOT EXCUSE UNTIMELY COMPLIANCE. File with the SUPERIOR COURT ADMINISTRATOR - Not the Clerk of Court. American LegalNet, Inc.