Request For Trial De Novo Sealing Of Award And Note For Trial Setting
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Request For Trial De Novo Sealing Of Award And Note For Trial Setting Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Snohomish Local County.
Tags: Request For Trial De Novo Sealing Of Award And Note For Trial Setting, Washington Local County, Snohomish
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH No. Plaintiff, REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO vs. SEALING OF THE AWARD AND NOTE FOR TRIAL SETTING Defendant. REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO A trial de novo from the award filed (mm/dd/yyyy) is requested by in this case pursuant to MAR 7.1 and SCLMAR 7.1. The de novo appeal is brought against the following party(s): (insert names above) I request that the arbitration award and any memorandum decision filed by the arbitrator be sealed by the Clerk pursuant to SCLMAR 7.2 A jury demand and fee have have not been previously filed with the Clerk pursuant to CR 38. A jury trial is scheduled for(mm/dd/yyyy). If no trial is currently set, the Note for Trial Setting below MUST be completed. USE THE FORM BELOW TO SET A TRIAL DATE I hereby affirm that although this case has been arbitrated it is still at issue; that no affirmative pleading remains unanswered; that to my knowledge no other parties will be served with summons; and that the case in all respects is ready for trial. Type of case: Estimated trial time: day(s). American LegalNet, Inc. Date requested for assignment of trial (mm/dd/yyyy) at 10:00 AM. A Notice for Trial Setting will be mailed to parties no later than three (3) weeks after the dated requested for trial setting indicated herein. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL SETTING NOTE: File the original of this form with the Clerk and pay the $400.00 trial de novo fee; serve a copy on the Arbitration Coordinator, Superior Court Administration Office, 5th Floor Courthouse and on all other parties. Signed: (your signature) Dated: (mm/dd/yyyy) Printed name: Address: Phone: Attorney for: Plaintiff Respondent Certificate of Mailing I certify that I mailed a copy of this document to the attorney(s)/party(s) listed hereon, postage prepaid, on the day of , 20. Signed: Printed name: Other attorney(s) and/or Parties: Name: Name: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: Attorney for: Attorney for: Name: Name: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: Attorney for: Attorney for: American LegalNet, Inc.