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Clerk Indexing Sheet Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Spokane Local County.
Tags: Clerk Indexing Sheet, Washington Local County, Spokane
SPOKANE COUNTY CLERK INDEXING SHEET Please check one category that best describes this case for indexing purposes. Accurate case indexing not only saves time in docketing new cases, but helps in forecasting needed judicial resources. This classification in no way affects the legal action of the case. CASE NO. CIVIL TORT ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ *Medical Malpractice (MED) *Personal Injury (PIN) *Property Damages (PRP) *Wrongful Death (WDE) *Other Malpractice (MAL) *Tort Motor Vehicle (TMV) *Tort � Other (TTO) DOMESTIC RELATIONS DOMESTIC RELATIONS ___ **Annulment-Invalidity (INV) ___ **Dissolution With Children (DIC) ___ **Dissolution With No Children (DIN) ___ **Dissolution Dom Partnership with Children (DPC) ___ **Dissolution Dom Partnership No Children (DPN) ___ **Invalidity � Domestic Partnership (INP) ___ **Legal Separation (SEP) ___ **Legal Separation � Domestic Partnership (SPD) ___ **Parenting Plan/Child Support (PPS) ___ * Child Custody (CUS) ___ * Committed Intimate Relationship (CIR) ___ Modification (MOD) ___ Modification: Support Only (MDS) ___ Out of State Custody (OSC) ___ Foreign Judgment (FJU) ___ Mandatory Wage Assignment (MWA) ___ Miscellaneous (MSC) ___ Reciprocal, Respondent-In-County (RIC) ___ Reciprocal, Respondent-Out-of-County (ROC) CONTRACT / COMMERCIAL ___ Collection (COL) ___ Commercial Non-Contract (COL) ___ *Commercial / Contract (COM) PROPERTY RIGHTS ___ *Condemnation (CON) ___ *Foreclosure (FOR) ___ *Quiet Title (QTI) ___ *Land Use Petition (LUP) ___ Unlawful Detainer (UND) ___ Property Fairness Act (PFA) PROTECTION ORDER ___ Domestic Violence Protection (DVP) ___ Civil Harassment (HAR) ___ Foreign Protection Order (FPO) ___ Sexual Assault Protection (SXP) ___ Vulnerable Adult Protection (VAP) PATERNITY / ADOPTION PATERNITY ___ Paternity (PAT) ___ Paternity/URESA/UIFSA (PUR) ___ Modification (MOD) OTHER COMPLAINT / PETITION ___ Change of Name (Non-Confidential) (CHN) ___ *Injunction (INJ) ___ Malicious Harassment (MHA) ___ Petition for Civil Comm (Sexual Predator) (PCC) ___ Seizure of Prop from Commission of a Crime (SPC) ___ Seizure of Prop from a Crime (SPR) ___ Property Damage � Gangs (PRG) ___ Public Records Act (PRA) ___ School District � Required Action Plan (SDR) ___ Miscellaneous (MSC) ___ Emancipation of Minor (EOM) ___ *Minor Settlement (MST) ___ *Structured Settlement (MSC) ADOPTION ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Adoption (ADP) Confidential Intermediary (MSC) Relinquishment (REL) Termination of Parent/Child Relationship (TER) Initial Pre-Placement Report (PPR) DV/AH - CHANGE OF NAME ___ Confidential Name Change (CHN) PROBATE / GUARDIANSHIP ___ Absentee (ABS) ___ Disclaimer (DSC) ___ Estate (EST) ___ Foreign Will (FNW) ___ Non-Probate Notice to Creditors (NNC) ___ Will Only (WLL) ___ Miscellaneous (MSC) ___ Trust (TRS) ___ Trust/Estate Dispute Resolution (TRD) ___ Sealed Will Repository (SWR) ___ Guardianship (GDN) ___ Minor Guardianship (MGD) ___ Limited Guardianship (LGD) ___ *Minor Settlement (MST) ATTN CASHIERS: ONLY cases marked with - * get a case assignment notice - ** get BOTH case assignment notice and Court's Automatic Temporary Order WRITS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Writ of Habeas Corpus (WHC) Writ of Mandamus (WRM) Writ of Restitution (WRR) Writ of Review (WRV) Miscellaneous Writs (WMW) APPEAL / REVIEW ___ *Administrative Law Review (ALR) ___ *Lower Court Appeal-Civil (LCA) ___ *Lower Court Appeal-Traffic (LCI) ___ *Dept. of Licensing Revocation (DOL) JUDGMENT ___ ___ ___ ___ Tax Warrants (TAX) Abstract of Judgment (ABJ) Transcript of Judgment (TRJ) Foreign Judgment (FJU) THOMAS R. FALLQUIST, SPOKANE COUNTY CLERK W. 1116 BROADWAY, SPOKANE, WA 99260-0090 (509) 477-2211 Revised June 2011 American LegalNet, Inc.