Motion Certificate And Order For Change Of Judge
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Motion Certificate And Order For Change Of Judge Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Spokane Local County.
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Tags: Motion Certificate And Order For Change Of Judge, Washington Local County, Spokane
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON ______________________________________ Case No.______________________________ Plaintiff(s) vs. ______________________________________ MOTION, CERTIFICATE AND ORDER Defendant(s) FOR CHANGE OF JUDGE ______________________________________________________________________________ I. Motion The undersigned, based on the following certificate, moves the court for an Order for Change of Judge. II. Certificate I am; __________________________________________________ in the above-entitled action; (Name and Title) 2.2 I believe that a fair and impartial trial in this case cannot be had before:_____________________ (Judge) I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. 2.1 ____________________________ (Date and Place) III. _______________________________________ Signature (moving party) Order The motion is: _______Granted _____Denied because prior discretion has been exercised. _______Denied because the motion is untimely under CR 40(f) / CrR 8.9 / RALJ 8.9 C. Dated_________________, 20____ Presented by: _________________________________________ WSBA #__________________________________ _______________________________________ Judge MOTION AND ORDER FOR CHANGE OF JUDGE PAGE 1 OF 1 American LegalNet, Inc.