Notice Of Hearing For Name Change
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Notice Of Hearing For Name Change Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Thurston Local County.
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Tags: Notice Of Hearing For Name Change, Washington Local County, Thurston
DISTRICT COURT FOR THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER of the Change of Name of ) No. ) ) ) NOTICE OF HEARING FOR NAME CHANGE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID _________________________, Nonconsenting Parent: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to RCW 4.24.130, a parent or legal guardian of the above named minor child has filed a Petition For Name Change of: ___ (Current Name) The hearing on this matter shall be held on the [ ] AM [ ] PM, at the address stated below. FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING OR TO RESPOND IN WRITING MAY RESULT IN A NAME CHANGE OF THE MINOR CHILD NAMED ABOVE. DATED: FILE YOUR WRITTEN RESPONSE WITH Thurston County District Court 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 Telephone: (360) 754-4102 Attorney/Petitioner Name & Address TO ___ (Proposed New Name) day of , 20 , at IF THIS NOTICE IS PUBLISHED, it must be published once a week for three consecutive weeks in the city of the last known address of the absent birth parent. An affidavit of publication must be provided. 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.